# This is help-file for Perl/Tk widget configuration parameters -side => 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom' Puts the widget against the specified side of the window or frame -fill => 'none' | 'x' | 'y' | 'both' Causes the widget to fill the allocation rectangle in the specified direction -expand => 1 | 0 Causes the allocation rectangle to fill the remaining space available in the window or frame -anchor => 'n' | 'ne' | 'e' | 'se' | 's' | 'sw' | 'w' | 'nw' | 'center' Anchors the widget inside the allocation rectangle -ipadx => amount Increases the size of the widget horizontally by amount * 2 -ipady => amount Increases the size of the widget vertically by amount * 2 -padx => amount Places padding on the left and right of the widget -pady => amount Places padding on the top and bottom of the widget -background => color Sets the background color of the widget to color. -bitmap => bitmap Displays the bitmap contained in bitmap instead of text. -borderwidth => amount Changes the width of the edges of the widget. -cursor => cursorname Changes the cursor to cursorname when the mouse is over this widget. -font => fontname Indicates that the text in the widget will be displayed with fontname. -foreground => color Changes the text of the widget (or the bitmap) to be color. -height => amount Sets the height of the widget to amount; amount is a valid screen distance. -highlightbackground => color Sets the color of the focus rectangle when the widget is not in focus to color. -highlightcolor => color Sets the color of the focus rectangle when the widget has focus to color. -highlightthickness => amount Sets the width of the focus rectangle. Default is 0 for the label. -image => imgptr Displays the image to which imgptr points instead of text. -justify => 'left' | 'right' | 'center' Sets the side of the widget against which multi-line text will justify. -relief => 'flat' | 'groove' | 'raised' | 'ridge' | 'sunken' Changes the type of edges drawn around the widget. -takefocus => 0 | 1 | undef Changes the ability of the widget to have the focus or not. -text => text Displays in the widget a text string. -underline => n Causes the nth character to be underlined. Allows that key to invoke the widget when it has the focus. Default value is -1 (no character underlined). -width => amount Causes the widget to be width amount. -wraplength => amount Indicates that the text in the widget will wrap when it gets longer than amount -label => labelstring Adds a label to the widget with the text "labelstring". -sticky => string String contains characters n, s, e, or w. Widget will stick to those sides. -column => n Sets the column to place widget in (n >= 0). -row => m Sets the row to place widget in (m >= 0). -columnspan => n Sets the number of columns for the widget to span beginning with -column. -rowspan => m Sets the number of rows for the widget to span beginning with -row. -relheight => ratio Indicates that the height of the widget relates to the parent widget's height by ratio. -relwidth => ratio Indicates that the width of the widget relates to the parent widget's width by ratio. -relx => xratio Indicates that the widget will be placed relative to its parent by xratio. -rely => yratio Indicates that the widget will be placed relative to its parent by yratio. -x => x Indicates that the widget will be placed at x. x is any valid screen distance. -y => y Indicates that the widget will be placed at y. y is any valid screen distance. -labelside => where Where can be one of left, right, top, bottom or acrosstop. The first four work as might be expected and place the label to the left, right, above or below the frame respectively. The acrosstop creates a grooved frame around the central frame and puts the label near the northwest corner such that it appears to "overwrite" the groove. -labelPack => [ -side => side, -anchor => anchor ] Determines where to place Label in LabEntry widget -bigincrement => amount Sets the amount by which the slider will change value when required to do so in large increments. Default is 0, causing the value to change by 1/10 the top value of the scale. -digits => amount Indicates how many significant digits to retain when conversion from a number to a string takes place. -from => value Indicates the low end of the scale values. Default is 0. -length => amount Sets the length of the slider (the long direction, regardless of the value of orient) in a valid screen distance. -resolution => value Sets the increments by which the value in the scale will change. Default is 1. -orient => 'vertical' | 'horizontal' Sets the direction the scale is drawn. Default is 'vertical'. -sliderlength => value Sets the size of the slider (inside the widget). Default is 25. -to => value Sets the top value of the scale. Default is 100. -showvalue => 0 | 1 If set to 0, the value of the slider setting is not shown at all. Default is 1. -listwidth => width Specifies the width of the popup listbox. -setgrid => 0 | 1 Turns gridding off or on for the widget. Default is 0. Using -setgrid => 1 causes the window to stay resized to the grid created by the widget. Essentially, this means that the widget will display only complete lines (no half lines) and complete characters. -accelerator => text The -accelerator option allows you to place a text string to the right of the text or image displayed in the menu. The string usually contains a clue to a quick-key combination that will execute the command associated with the menu item. Example: -show => char Sets the character that should be displayed instead of the actual text typed. This option is very useful for password reading entry. -tearoff => 0 | 1 Determines whether or not the menu will contain the tear-off item as the first item. Default is 1. -aspect => non-negative integer Value indicating desired aspect ratio for the text. The aspect ratio is specified as 100*width/height. 200 means the text should be twice as wide as it is tall, 50 means the text should be twice as tall as it is wide, and so on. Used to choose line length for text if width option isn't specified. Defaults to 150. -variable => variable pointer Specifies name of global variable to set whenever this widget is selected. Changes in this variable also cause the widget to change itself look. -value => text Specifies value to store in the widget's associated variable whenever this widget is selected. This field is obligatory for correct Radiobuttons functionality -offvalue => text Specifies value to store in the button's associated variable whenever this button is deselected. Defaults to ``0''. -onvalue => text Specifies value to store in the button's associated variable whenever this button is selected. Defaults to ``1''. -command => subroutine pointer Specifies the callback routine to be associated with the widget main action (select, double-click, 'return' key, etc.) See specific TkPOD help for each widget. -textvariable => variable pointer Specifies the name of a variable. The value of the variable is a text string to be displayed inside the widget; if the variable value changes then the widget will automatically update itself to reflect the new value. The way in which the string is displayed in the widget depends on the particular widget and may be determined by other options, such as anchor or justify. -state => 'normal' | 'active' | 'disabled' Determines the state of the widget and whether or not the user can interact with it. Default is 'normal'. -tickinterval => value Describes the labels drawn by the right (or on the bottom) of the scale. Labels are drawn for every value. A value of 0 means no labels will be drawn at all. Default is 0. -troughcolor => color Sets the color of the area behind the slider button (same as a scrollbar). -indicatoron => 0 | 1 Specifies whether or not the indicator should be drawn. Must be a proper boolean value. If false, the relief option is ignored and the widget's relief is always sunken if the widget is selected and raised otherwise. -selectcolor => color Specifies a background color to use when the button is selected. If indicatorOn is true then the color applies to the indicator. If indicatorOn is false, this color is used as the background for the entire widget, in place of background or activeBackground, whenever the widget is selected. -selectmode => single | browse | multiple | extended Specifies one of several styles for manipulating the selection. The value of the option may be arbitrary, but the default bindings expect it to be either single, browse, multiple, or extended; the default value is browse. -wrap => none | char | word A wrap mode of none means that each line of text appears as exactly one line on the screen; extra characters that don't fit on the screen are not displayed. In the other modes each line of text will be broken up into several screen lines if necessary to keep all the characters visible: char mode - a screen line break may occur after any character, word mode - a line break at word boundaries. -createcmd => subroutine pointer Specifies a callback to be called the first time the page is shown on the screen. This option can be used to delay the creation of the contents of a page until necessary. It can be useful in situations where there are a large number of pages in a NoteBook widget; -raisecmd => subroutine pointer Specifies a callback to be called whenever this page is raised by the user.