What is PDFREP?
is a Perl Package.� It was developed to
allow the creation of a PDF file from a Perl program without using any third
party or Adobe software.
has been designed primarily to create business reports into a PDF file,
although it will allow any information to be created by a Perl program as long
as the Perl program can obtain the data.
has been written Trevor Ward and is available for use by all parties free of
can it do?
can be used to create a PDF file a line of data at a time.� You can specify the font, font size, text
colour, column indent, page size (A4 or letter), page orientation (Landscape or
Portrait) and font slope (Italic).
page size and orientation is fixed across the whole document.
font, font size, text colour, column indent and font slope is line specific.
is a PDF File?
PDF file is a special format file which has become the industry standard for
documents on the Web.� The file has
specific features and requires a special reader from Adobe to view and
print.� The reader is available free of
charge, however to create a PDF file requires special software.� Adobe provide the software to create PDF files
which costs quite a lot of money and only runs on windows based computers.
advantages of using a PDF file for documents are that it can be downloaded from
the web quickly and easily, the standard format allows for easy viewing and
printing, the document cannot be changed unless the appropriate software is
disadvantages of using a PDF file for documents are that it is much larger than
a conventional text file, the software to create and change the files is
expensive and limited to only windows based computers Until now.
is a programming language, which was developed primarily for use on Unix based
computers.� It has become the main
language for creating CGI's or web programs and systems.� Although not confirmed Perl is believed to
be behind over 90% of the Internet.� It
is very powerful and allows for a great deal of flexibility in use and
use Perl within a web development you are required to have Perl installed on
the Web server.� As Perl is open source
(FREE) most web servers come with Perl compatibility.� Perl can be obtained from www.perl.com
already mentioned PDFREP will create a PDF file using a Perl program.� PDFREP is not computer platform specific and
will run on any computer, which is web configured and has Perl as the main
programming language.
utilise PDFREP you will require a copy of the PDFREP program, a Perl
programmer, Data contained within a relational database like Oracle or in a
text file and the technical part of this document, which explains how to write
the Perl program to use PDFREP.
can then decide how you want you document to look, fonts sizes colours etc.
will not format a line of data into columns, so when choosing the fonts if you
require the data lined up into columns a fixed width font like courier will have
to be used.� Also PDFREP will not wrap
the text over multiple lines if you go over the right hand edge the text is
this being said PDFREP is quick, efficient and easy to use from a programmer's
viewpoint.� It is free and no special
software has to be purchased to use it.�
It is completely self-contained.
part of the document explains how to use the PDFREP module and write the Perl
has been written as a standard Perl module.�
Including in the Perl program uses it by using the USE option.� It has various call options for new document
and page etc passing required parameters with the data.� Two parameters are always returned from the
module. Being the status code and a message. The module does not fall over it
is left to the programmer to code in the error checking if required.
following options have to be used in a specific order as detailed.
��������������� PDFREP->heading()��������� Once only
��������������� PDFREP->fontset()������������ One or more
��������������� PDFREP->pagedata()������� One or more NP first
��������������� PDFREP->writepdf()���������� Once only
options each use various parameters as detailed below but the order in which
you output them is vital.
include the PDFREP module firstly copy the PDFREP.pm program into an accessible
directory which is in the Perl path. (Only if you don't already have it).
after the shebang line but before the rest of code include the package.
you can start writing you Perl code.
first thing you have to do to initialise the PDFREP is to call the package
heading function. This accepts two parameters, which is the file name and the
directory you want it to go to.� The
filename will automatically have the .PDF added so do not include an extension.
$filenam = "pdftest1";
$filedir = "../";
$message) = PDFREP->heading($filenam, $filedir);
is true if the file was opened and created with the required heading
contains text like FILE OPENED Successfully.
is false if the package failed and the error message is set to reflect
this.� The status and message are used
for every call to the package to enable the programmer to code there own error
PDFREP package allows for the specification of fonts.� The example here uses the Arial font but any can be used like
Helvetica or Courier. To add Bold or Italic just put the font name Arial-bold
this will give a bold font.
font call accepts two parameters; the first is the name reference. This will be
used as a reference when outputting the data and the physical fonts name.
$message) = PDFREP->fontset('F1','Arial');
can add as many fonts as you wish but they must be declared before use, and
each have a unique name reference.
the file is set-up and the fonts are ready for use, it's time to output the
data. Take a look at the example line.
$message) = PDFREP->pagedata('np','0','12','F2','12','0','0','0','0','This
is the first bit of text','LE','LA');
is the first line of data for a new page. Every time you want a new page you
use the line as above.� There are
various parameters passed as detailed below.
1������������� = ������������ np
or nl This tells the package if it is a
new page (np) or a new line (nl).
������������ =������������� '???'����������������������� This
is the column offset 0 is left hand side of page 10 is in 10 spaces.
3������������� =������������� '12'������������������������� This is the font size
of the text for that line.
4������������� =������������� 'F1'������������������������� This is the name
reference of the font you declared earlier.
5������������� =������������� '12'������������������������� This is the font size
of the next line used to get correct line spacing.
6������������� =������������� '0'��������������������������� If set to one this
will tilt the font to the right like italic.
7,8,9������ =������������� 'r','g','b'������������������� These three define the
colour of the text in standard red green blue.
10���������� =������������� 'TEXT'�������������������� This is the text to be
output can be perl scalar.
11���������� =������������� 'LE'������������������������� LE = Letter A4 = A4
this is the page size. Only needed on new page.
12���������� =������������� 'LA'������������������������� LA = Landscape PO =
Portrait this is the page orientation Only needed on np.
so there you have the new page output. After you have sent one of these use the
nl or new line to output further text to that line. Beware data is lost to the
right and off the bottom of the page so make sure the letter and line counts
are accurate.
of new line
$message) = PDFREP->pagedata('nl','0','12','F1','10','0','0','0','0','This
is the second bit of text');
that�s it all you need to know how to get the data out to a PDF file now you
just need to say you have finished writing out data.
$message) = PDFREP->writepdf('LE','LA');
straight forward huh. No messing around after you have finished this line will
complete the writing of the PDF file close it and make it available for
viewing. Please note the page size and orientation parameters.� The document itself will only allow for one
page size and orientation throughout.
fun any probs� there is a complete test
system available.
If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact me at Trevor.r.ward@btinternet.com.
All documents programs etc are copyrighted to me with the PDF file layout copyrighted to Adobe.
Have fun hope this is useful.