#!/usr/local/bin/perl use strict; my $VERSION = "1.4.2"; ########## USER MODIFICATION SECTION ########## # The *real* path to read stylesheets from. # File extensions of .css for stylesheets are assumed. # It must not include trailing backslash. my $css_path="."; # Use same directory as script # The name of the default stylesheet, without extension. my $default_stylesheet = "style1"; # When should the cookie expire? # Cookie expiry code uses CGI.pm timestamp # h = hours, d=days, M=months # examples: # +1d - expire in one day # +3M - expire in three months # now - expire right away my $cookie_expiration = "+1d"; ########## END USER MODIFICATIONS ########## use CGI qw(param cookie header); # Check to see if the script is called with parameter my $set_values = param ('setstyle'); unless ($set_values) { # if the cookie is set, return the appropriate stylesheets if (cookie('stylesheet')) { my @stylesheets = split /\+/, cookie('stylesheet'); print header(-type=>"text/css"); foreach (@stylesheets) { &print_stylesheet($_) } } # otherwise, set a cookie for the default and then send it else { my $cookie = cookie ( -name=>'stylesheet', -value=>$default_stylesheet, -expires=>$cookie_expiration ); print header (-type=>"text/css", -cookie=>$cookie); &print_stylesheet($default_stylesheet); } } else { # set the cookie and produce a page to get back to whence they came. my $cookie = cookie ( -name=>'stylesheet', -value=>$set_values, -expires=>$cookie_expiration ); print header (-type=>"text/html", -cookie=>$cookie); print <<END_PAGE; <html> <head> <title>Stylesheet Changed</title> </head> <body> <p> Your stylesheet has been set to <em>$set_values</em>. You may need to reload your browser to view the new stylesheet. </p> <p><a href="$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}">Back</a></p> </body> </html> END_PAGE } sub print_stylesheet { # Function opens, reads, outputs, and closes a stylesheet. # NOTE: This function deliberately does not use # "or die" when opening the filehandle. Sending no # stylesheet is preferable to causing a server error. # Many thanks to the c.l.p.misc community for suggestions # for improving this function. local $_ = shift; # strip possible nasties like '../../' if ( /(\w+)$/ ) { if ( open ( STYLESHEET, "$css_path/$1.css" ) ) { print while <STYLESHEET>; } } } # END SUB: print_stylesheet __END__ =head1 NAME Cssfile =head1 README Allows user-selectable stylesheets using CGI and cookies. Full documentation at http://www.sfu.ca/~ajdelore/cssfile/ =head1 PREREQUISITES This script runs under C<strict> and requires the C<CGI> module. =head1 AUTHOR Anthony DeLorenzo (ajdelore@sfu.ca) =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES CGI Web =cut