Paul Zorn (St. Olaf College) sent out the following message on the calc-reform newsgroup. I asked Paul if we can include this material on the Mathematics Archives and, with his consent, we include his message and the files mentioned below. The files ARE CONTAINED in this subdirectory of the Mathematics Archives in a compressed format; the .Z extension indicates this. To retrieve these files in an uncompressed just leave off the .Z extension when you issue the get command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As those who were at San Antonio know, a well-attended poster session on calculus projects was held, with about 40 poster exhibitors. In addition, a booklet of abstracts was prepared; over 500 copies were distributed at San Antonio. Several people suggested that the abstract booklet be made available more broadly, by ftp. The rest of this note tells how to retrieve and print this material. It runs to 20 or 21 pages, depending on format. If you'd like your very own electronic copy, read on. (If you want a copy but aren't set up electronically, email for more info.) START FTP DIRECTIONS START FTP DIRECTIONS START FTP DIRECTIONS START FTP DIRECTIONS START FTP DIRECTIONS START FTP DIRECTIONS START FTP DIRECTIONS START FTP DIRECTIONS START FTP DIRECTIONS Note that you MUST be on INTERNET to do this---BITNET won't work. THREE slightly different files available through ftp. Which you want depends on what sort of printer you have. (If you're not sure, get all three files and see which one works.) In order of aesthetic preference, the files are as follows: (In postscript format) abstractstimes.dvi (In TeX dvi format; uses Times Roman font) abstractscm.dvi (In TeX dvi format; uses uglier Computer Modern font) All three files contain exactly the same information, but the first two look nicer than the third---they're also one page shorter. ********************************* Here's the drill: 1. Type ftp (This connects you to a St Olaf machine.) 2. Login as anonymous . Type anything for a password (or just hit RETURN). 3. Type cd pub/tmp/abstracts (This puts you in the right directory.) 4. Type ls (This lists the three available files.) 5. Type get to get that file. Type get abstracttimes.dvi to get THAT file. 6. Once you have the files you want, type quit to leave ftp. 7. Fire it off to a postscript- or dvi-knowledgeable printer. Most printers are smart enough to recognize dvi or ps files, but you MIGHT need some flag.