Sakata DMP-48 digital drum machine The following samples have been downloaded from the net and thus not sampled by myself. I've been in contact with the person who made them available and he's given me permission to convert, edit and re-distribute them as TX16W samples. There are 20 samples: NAME SIZE ------------------ accenthh.w08 6656 agogo1.w15 6656 agogo2.w16 7168 bass1.w01 6144 bass2.w02 6656 bass3.w03 9216 cabasa1.w12 5632 cabasa2.w13 4608 clap.w14 8192 closedhh.w07 4608 crash.w11 55296 openhh.w09 14848 ride.w10 48640 rim.w06 5120 snare1.w04 13312 snare2.w05 13824 tom1.w17 29184 tom2.w18 28672 tom3.w19 27136 tom4.w20 29184 *PS. The author originally sampled 22 sounds, but as 2 of these were identical (only with an added 'accent' setting) I chose not to include them. Hallvard Tangeraas, Feb-1996 ( Following is the text file that came with the file (together with the .WAV samples which were done using a Soundblaster 16.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The file should contain 22 .wav samples of the Sakata DPM-48 drum machine, along with this file. I sampled all of these at 44.1kHz, 16 bits. If you have problems unzipping or if the samples are bad (note i said bad not cheezy!) please let me know. bit-o-background: The Sakata DPM-48 is a digital drum machine circa 83 i'd guess. The interface is archaic & a pain. It syncs to Roland din sync, alternatively its got trigger ins too (i haven't tried these yet). The DPM-48 has individual outs (in groups anyway, common bass out, common snare out etc), mono out & a stereo out. The memory can hold 48 patterns of up to 32 steps + 3 songs. -Kyle Farrell