Internet-Draft RIFT Auto-EVPN July 2024
Head, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page]
Intended Status:
Standards Track
J. Head, Ed.
Juniper Networks
T. Przygienda
Juniper Networks
W. Lin
Juniper Networks



This document specifies procedures that allow an EVPN overlay to be fully and automatically provisioned when using RIFT as underlay by leveraging RIFT's no-touch ZTP architecture.

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 9 January 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

RIFT is a protocol that focuses heavily on operational simplicity. [RIFT] natively supports Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) functionality that allows each node in an underlay network to automatically derive its place in the topology and configure itself accordingly when properly cabled. RIFT can also disseminate Key-Value information contained in Key-Value Topology Information Elements (KV-TIEs) [RIFT-KV]. These KV-TIEs can contain any information and therefore be used for any purpose. Leveraging RIFT to provision EVPN overlays without any need for configuration and leveraging KV capabilities to easily validate correct operation of such overlay without a single point of failure would provide significant benefit to operators in terms of simplicity and robustness of such a solution.

1.1. Requirements Language

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

2. Design Considerations

EVPN supports various service models, this document defines a method for the VLAN-Aware service model defined in [RFC7432]. Other service models may be considered in future revisions of this document.

Each model has its own set of requirements for deployment. For example, a functional BGP overlay is necessary to exchange EVPN NLRI regardless of the service model. Furthermore, the requirements are made up of individual variables, such as each node's loopback address and AS number for the BGP session. Some of these variables may be coordinated across each node in a network, but are ultimately locally significant (e.g. route distinguishers). Similarly, calculation of some variables will be local only to each device. RIFT contains currently enough topology information in each node to calculate all those necessary variables automatically.

Once the EVPN overlay is configured and becomes operational, RIFT Key-Value TIEs can be used to distribute state information to allow for validation of basic operational correctness without the need for further tooling.

3. Auto-EVPN Device Roles

Auto-EVPN requires that each node understand its given role within the scope of the EVPN implementation so each node derives the necessary variables and provides the necessary overlay configuration. For example, a leaf node performing VXLAN gateway functions does not need to derive its own Cluster ID or learn one from the Route Reflector that it peers with.

3.1. All Participating Nodes

Not all nodes have to participate in Auto-EVPN, however if a node does assume an Auto-EVPN role, it MUST derive the following variables:

3.2. ToF Nodes as Route Reflectors

This section defines an Auto-EVPN role whereby some Top-of-Fabric nodes act as Route Reflectors. It is expected that Route Reflectors would establish IBGP sessions with leaf nodes in the same fabric. The typical Route Reflector requirements do not change, however determining which specific values to use requires further consideration.

ToF nodes performing Route Reflector functionality MUST derive the following variables:

3.2.1. Data Center Interconnect Gateway Functions

Implementations that require connectivity beyond the EVPN/VXLAN boundary can leverage Data Center Interconnect Gateway functionality. This requires additional considerations to ensure the appropriate reachability is present.

First - new VRFs and accompanying variable derivation is required, this is decribed below.

Second - additional Route Reflector election considerations in order to ensure that Route Reflectors with DCI gateway functionality are preferred. This is described later in the document in Section 4.6.2.

If DCI functionality is desired, the Top-of-Fabric nodes MUST be capable of routing toward the correct leaf node when it receives traffic from an external destination. Therefore, it MUST be capable of deriving the following types of variables:

  • Route Distinguisher
    The route distinguisher corresponding to a IP-VRF's IP prefix routes that MUST uniquely identify each node.
    Route Target
    The route target that corresponds to an IP-VRF's IP prefix routes.
    The VNI that corresponds to the Type-5 IP prefix routes within an IP-VRF.

3.3. Leaf Nodes

Leaf nodes derive their role from realizing they are at the bottom of the fabric, i.e. not having any southbound adjacencies. Alternately, a node can assume a leaf node if it has only southbound adjacencies to nodes with explicit LEAF_LEVEL to allow for scenarios where RIFT leaves do NOT participate in Auto-EVPN.

Leaf nodes MUST derive the following variables:

If a leaf node is required to perform layer-2 VXLAN gateway functions, it MUST be capable of deriving the following types of variables:

For each VLAN derived in an EVI the following variables MUST be derived:

4. Auto-EVPN Variable Derivation

As previously mentioned, not all nodes are required to derive all variables in a given network (e.g. a transit spine node may not need to derive any or participate in Auto-EVPN). Additionally, all derived variables are derived from RIFT's FSM or ZTP mechanism so no additional flooding beside RIFT flooding is necessary for the functionality.

It is also important to mention that all variable derivation is in some way based on combinations of System ID, EVI ID, Fabric ID, EVI, and VLAN and MUST comply precisely with calculation methods specified in the Auto-EVPN Variable Derivation section to allow interoperability between different implementations. All foundational code elements are also mentioned there.

4.1. RIFT System ID

The 64-bit RIFT System ID that uniquely identifies a node as defined in RIFT [RIFT].

4.2. Auto-EVPN Version

This section describes extensions to both the RIFT LIE and Node-TIE packet schemas in the form of a 16-bit value that identifies the Auto-EVPN Version. Auto-EVPN capable nodes MUST support this extension, but MAY choose not to advertise it in LIEs and Node-TIEs when Auto-EVPN is not being utilized.

The complete encoding.thrift schema documented in RIFT [RIFT] describes both major and minor protocol/schema versions. Auto-EVPN Version calculation is done by multiiplying a static value of 256 by the major version then adding the minor version, that is to say - 256 * MAJOR + MINOR.

This section also describes an extension to the NodeCapabilities schema indicating whether or not a node supports Auto-EVPN.

The appendix (Appendix B) details described changes to the RIFT LIEPacket, NodeTIEElement, and NodeCapabilities Thrift schemas.

4.3. RIFT Fabric ID

RIFT operates on variants of Clos substrate which are commonly called an IP Fabric. Since EVPN VLANs can be either contained within one fabric or span them, Auto-EVPN introduces the concept of a Fabric ID into RIFT.

This section describes extensions to both the RIFT LIE and Node-TIE packet schemas in the form of a 16-bit Fabric ID that identifies a node's membership within a particular fabric. Auto-EVPN capable nodes MUST support this extension but MAY not advertise it when not participating in Auto-EVPN. A non-present Fabric ID and value of 0 is reserved as ANY_FABRIC and MUST NOT be used for any other purpose.

The appendix (Appendix B) details necessary changes to the RIFT LIEPacket and NodeTIEElement Thrift schemas.

4.4. Auto-EVPN Model

This section describes extensions to the RIFT Node-TIE packet schema that describe a particular EVPN model (e.g. VLAN-Aware).

The appendix (Appendix B) details necessary changes to the RIFT NodeTIEElement Thrift schema.

4.5. EVI ID

This section describes a variable EVI ID that uniquely identifies an EVPN Instance (EVI) and is used in variable derivation procedures. Each EVPN EVI MUST be associated with a unique EVI ID, this document does not specify a method for making that association or ensuring that they are coordinated properly across fabric(s).

4.6. Loopback Address

First and foremost, RIFT does not advertise anything more specific than the fabric default route in the southbound direction by default. However, Auto-EVPN nodes MUST advertise specific loopback addresses southbound to all other Auto-EVPN nodes so to establish MP-BGP reachability correctly in all scenarios.

Auto-EVPN nodes MUST derive a ULA-scoped IPv6 loopback address to be used as both the IBGP source address, as well as the VTEP source when VXLAN gateways are required. Calculation is done using the 6-bytes of reserved ULA space, the 2-byte Fabric ID, and the node's 8-byte System ID. Derivation of the System ID varies slightly depending upon the node's location/role in the fabric and will be described in subsequent sections.

4.6.1. Leaf Nodes as Gateways

Calculation is done using the 6-bytes of reserved ULA space, the 2-byte Fabric ID, and the node's 8-byte System ID.

In order for leaf nodes to derive IPv6 loopback addresses, algorithms shown in both auto_evpn_fidsidv6loopback (Figure 28) and auto_evpn_v6prefixfidsid2loopback (Figure 13) are required.

IPv4 addresses MAY be supported, but it should be noted that they have a higher likelihood of collision. The appendix contains the required auto_evpn_fidsid2v4loopback (Figure 27) algorithm to support IPv4 loopback derivation.

4.6.2. ToF Nodes as Route Reflectors

ToF nodes acting as Route Reflectors MUST derive their loopback address according to the specific section describing the algorithm. Calculation is done using the 6-bytes of reserved ULA space, the 2-byte Fabric ID, and the 8-byte System ID of each elected Route Reflector.

In order for the ToF nodes to derive IPv6 loopbacks, the algorithms shown in both auto_evpn_fidsidv6loopback (Figure 28) and auto_evpn_fidrrpref2rrloopback (Figure 14) are required.

In order for the ToF derive the necessary prefix range to facilitate peering requests from any leaf, the algorithm shown in "auto_evpn_fid2fabric_prefixes" (Figure 12) is required.

A topology MUST elect at least 1 Top-of-Fabric node as an IBGP Route Reflector, but SHOULD elect 3. The election method varies depending upon whether the fabric is comprised of a single plane or multiple planes or if DCI gateway functionality is desired. Single Plane Route Reflector Election Procedures

Each ToF performs the election independently based on system IDs of other ToFs in the fabric obtained via southbound reflection. The Route Reflector election procedures are defined as follows:

  1. ToF node with the highest System ID.
  2. ToF node with the lowest System ID.
  3. ToF node with the 2nd highest System ID.
  4. etc.

This ordering is necessary to prevent a single node with either the highest or lowest System ID from triggering changes to Route Reflector loopback addresses as it would result in all BGP sessions dropping.

For example, if two nodes, ToF01 and ToF02 with System IDs 002c6af5a281c000 and 002c6bf5788fc000 respectively, ToF02 would be elected due to it having the highest System ID of the ToFs (002c6bf5788fc000). If a ToF determines that it is elected as Route Reflector, it uses the knowledge of its position in the list to derive Route Reflector IPv6 loopback address.

The algorithm shown in "auto_evpn_sids2rrs" (Figure 10) is required to accomplish this. Data Center Interconnect Gateway Variations

It is beneficial for ToF-RRs requiring DCI-GW functions to be preferred over ToF-RRs that do not. As such, the "default_acting_auto_evpn_dci_when_tof" flag described in the NodeFlags schema (Appendix B.1) MUST be factored into election procedures mentioned in the previous section. Essentially, ToFs flagged as requiring DCI-GW functions, will be sorted separately from those that do not. That is to say, that ToFs requiring DCI-GW functions will always be preferred as RRs.

For example, if a fabric contains 4 ToF nodes where 2 require DCI-GW functions and the other 2 do not, the election will take place as follows:

  1. ToF node (DCI) with the highest System ID.
  2. ToF node (DCI) with the lowest System ID.
  3. ToF node (non-DCI) with the 2nd highest System ID.
  4. ToF node (non-DCI) with the 2nd lowest System ID. Multiplane Route Reflector Election Procedures

As mentioned in the main RIFT [RIFT] specification, when an implementation uses multiplane fabrics, inter-ToF rings are recommended in order to facilitate northbound flooding between ToFs in different planes.

If a multiplane implementation is using Auto-EVPN, those inter-Tof rings are REQUIRED to ensure that DCI/RR election works as intended.

Each ToF performs the election independently based on system IDs of other ToFs in the other fabrics obtained from northbound flooding across the inter-ToF rings. The highest System ID from each plane will be considered the Plane ID, which is then factored into the election as follows:

  1. The ToF node with the highest Plane ID, DCI bit, System ID
  2. The ToF node with the lowest Plane ID, DCI bit, System ID
  3. The ToF node with the 2nd highest Plane ID, DCI bit, System ID
  4. etc.

This algorithm allows DCI/RRs to be split across planes for improved redundancy.

4.7. Autonomous System Number

Nodes in each fabric MUST derive a private autonomous system number based on its Fabric ID so that it is unique across the fabric.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fid2private_AS (Figure 29) is required to derive the private ASN.

4.8. Router ID

Nodes MUST drive a Router ID that is based on both its System ID and Fabric ID so that it is unique to both.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_sidfid2bgpid (Figure 15) is required to derive the BGP Router ID.

4.9. Cluster ID

Route reflector nodes in each fabric MUST derive a Cluster ID that is based on its Fabric ID so that it is unique across the fabric.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fid2clusterid (Figure 30) is required to derive the BGP Cluster ID.

4.10. Route Target

Nodes hosting EVPN EVIs MUST derive a route target extended community based on the EVI ID for each EVI so that it is unique across the network. Route targets MUST be of type 0 as per [RFC4360].

For example, if given a EVI ID of 1, the derived route target would be "target:1"

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_evi2rt (Figure 16) is required to derive the Route Target community.

4.11. Route Distinguisher

Nodes hosting EVPN EVIs MUST derive a type-0 route distinguisher based on its System ID and Fabric ID so that it is unique per node within a fabric.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_sidfid2rd (Figure 22) is required to derive the Route Distinguisher.

4.12. EVPN MAC-VRF Services

It's obvious that applications utilizing Auto-EVPN overlay services may require a variety of layer-2 and/or layer-3 traffic considerations. Variables supporting these services are also derived based on some combination of EVI ID, Fabric ID, and other constant values. Integrated Routing and Bridging (IRB) gateway address derivation also leverages a set of constant RANDOMSEEDS (Figure 9) values that MUST be used to provide additional entropy.

In order to ensure that VLAN ID's don't collide, a single deployment SHOULD NOT exceed 6 fabrics with 7 EVIs where each EVI terminates 30 VLANs. The algorithms shown in auto_evpn_fidevivlansvlans2desc (Figure 20) and auto_evpn_vlan_description_table (Figure 19) are required to derive VLANs accordingly. An implementation MAY exceed this, but MUST indicate methods to ensure collision-free derivation and describe which VLANs are stretched across fabrics.

Lastly, Table 3 shows example derivation results for the previously mentioned scaling figures.

4.12.1. Untagged Traffic in Multiple Fabrics

This section defines methods to derive unique VLAN, VNI, MAC, and gateway address values for deployments where untagged traffic is stretched across multiple fabrics. VLAN

Untagged traffic stretched across multiple fabrics MUST derive VLAN tags based on EVI ID in conjunction with a constant value. VNI

Untagged traffic stretched across multiple fabrics MUST derive VNIs based on EVI ID in conjunction with a constant value. These VNIs MUST correspond to EVPN Type-2 routes.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevivid2vni (Figure 18) is required to derive VNIs for Type-2 EVPN routes. MAC Address

The MAC address MUST be a unicast address and also MUST be identical for any IRB gateways that belong to an individual bridge-domain across fabrics. The last 5-bytes MUST be a hash of the EVI ID and a constant value that is calculated using the previously mentioned random seed values.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevividsid2mac (Figure 26) is required to derive MAC addresses. IPv6 IRB Gateway Address

The derived IPv6 gateway address MUST be from a ULA-scoped range that will account for the first 6-bytes. The next 5-bytes MUST be the last bytes of the derived MAC address. Finally, the remaining 7-bytes MUST be ::0001.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevividsid2v6subnet (Figure 25) is required to derive the IPv6 gateway address. IPv4 IRB Gateway Address

The derived IPv4 gateway address MUST be from a RFC1918 range, which accounts for the first octet. The next octet MUST a hash of the EVI ID and a constant value of 1 that is calculated using the previously mentioned random seed values. Finally, the remaining 2 octets MUST be 0 and 1 respectively.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_v4prefixfidevividsid2v4subnet (Figure 23) is required to derive the IPv4 gateway address. It should be noted that there is a higher likelihood of address collisions when deriving IPv4 addresses.

4.12.2. Tagged Traffic in Multiple Fabrics

This section defines methods to derive unique VLAN, VNI, MAC, and gateway address values for deployments where tagged traffic is stretched across multiple fabrics. VLAN

Tagged traffic stretched across multiple fabrics MUST derive VLAN tags based on EVI ID in conjunction with a constant value. VNI

Tagged traffic stretched across multiple fabrics MUST derive VNIs based on EVI ID in conjunction with a constant value. These VNIs MUST correspond to EVPN Type-2 routes.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevivid2vni (Figure 18) is required to derive VNIs for Type-2 EVPN routes. MAC Address

The MAC address MUST be a unicast address and also MUST be identical for any IRB gateways that belong to an individual bridge-domain across fabrics. The last 5-bytes MUST be a hash of the EVI ID and a constant value that is calculated using the previously mentioned random seed values.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevividsid2mac (Figure 26) is required to derive MAC addresses. IPv6 IRB Gateway Address

The derived IPv6 gateway address MUST be from a ULA-scoped range that will account for the first 6-bytes. The next 5-bytes MUST be the last bytes of the derived MAC address. Finally, the remaining 7-bytes MUST be ::0001.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevividsid2v6subnet (Figure 25) is required to derive the IPv6 gateway address. IPv4 IRB Gateway Address

The derived IPv4 gateway address MUST be from a RFC1918 range, which accounts for the first octet. The next octet MUST a hash of the EVI ID and a constant value of 16 that is calculated using the previously mentioned random seed values. Finally, the remaining 2 octets MUST be 0 and 1 respectively.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_v4prefixfidevividsid2v4subnet (Figure 23) is required to derive the IPv4 gateway address. It should be noted that there is a higher likelihood of address collisions when deriving IPv4 addresses.

4.12.3. Tagged Traffic in a Single Fabric

This section defines a method to derive unique VLAN, VNI, MAC, and gateway address values for deployments where untagged traffic is contained within a single fabric. VLAN

Tagged traffic contained to a single fabric MUST derive VLAN tags based on EVI ID and Fabric ID in conjunction with a constant value. VNI

Tagged traffic contained to a single fabric MUST derive VNIs based on EVI ID and Fabric ID in conjunction with a constant value. These VNIs MUST correspond to EVPN Type-2 routes.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevivid2vni (Figure 18) is required to derive VNIs for Type-2 EVPN routes. MAC Address

The MAC address MUST be a unicast address and also MUST be identical for any IRB gateways that belong to an individual bridge-domain across fabrics. The last 5-bytes MUST be a hash of the EVI ID and a constant value that is calculated using the previously mentioned random seed values.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevividsid2mac (Figure 26) is required to derive MAC addresses. IPv6 IRB Gateway Address

The derived IPv6 gateway address MUST be from a ULA-scoped range, which accounts for the first 6-bytes. The next 5-bytes MUST be the last bytes of the derived MAC address. Finally, the remaining 7-bytes MUST be ::0001.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_fidevividsid2v6subnet (Figure 25) is required to derive the IPv6 gateway address. IPv4 IRB Gateway Address

The derived IPv4 gateway address MUST be from a RFC1918 range, which accounts for the first octet. The next octet MUST a hash of the EVI ID and a constant value of 17 that is calculated using the previously mentioned random seed values. Finally, the remaining 2 octets MUST be 0 and 1 respectively.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_v4prefixfidevividsid2v4subnet (Figure 23) is required to derive the IPv4 gateway address. It should be noted that there is a higher likelihood of address collisions when deriving IPv4 addresses.

4.12.4. Traffic Routed to External Destinations Route Distinguisher

Nodes hosting IP Prefix routes MUST derive a type-0 route distinguisher based on its System ID and Fabric ID so that it is unique per IP-VRF and per node.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_sidfid2rd (Figure 22) is required to derive the Route Target. Route Target

Nodes hosting IP prefix routes MUST derive a route target extended community based on the EVI ID for each IP-VRF so that it is unique across the network. Route targets MUST be of type 0.

The algorithm shown in auto_evpn_evi2rt (Figure 16) is required to derive the Route Target community.

5. RIFT Requirements

5.1. RIFT FSM / LIE Validation Requirements

Existing RIFT FSM adjacency rules MUST consider Auto-EVPN Version (Section 4.2) and Auto-EVPN Fabric ID (Section 4.3) values so that nodes that do not support Auto-EVPN can interoperate with those that do. The LIE validation is extended with the following clause and if it is not met, miscabling should be declared:

(if fabric_id is not advertised by either node OR
 if fabric_id is identical on both nodes)
(if auto_evpn_version is not advertised by either node OR
 if auto_evpn_version is identical on both nodes)

5.2. RIFT Node-TIE Advertisements

All nodes utilizing Auto-EVPN MUST advertise their Auto-EVPN Version (Section 4.2), Auto-EVPN Fabric ID (Section 4.3), and Auto-EVPN Model (Section 4.4) values in at least one Node-TIE in each direction (i.e. North and South).

6. Operational Considerations

To fully realize the benefits of Auto-EVPN, it may help to describe the high-level methodology. Simply put, RIFT automatically provisions the underlay and Auto-EVPN provisions the overlay. The goal of this section is to draw clear lines between general fabric concepts, RIFT, and Auto-EVPN and how they fit into current network designs and practices.

This section also describes an set of optional Key-Value TIEs that leverages the variables that have already been derived to provide further operational enhancement to the operator.

6.1. RIFT Underlay and Auto-EVPN Overlay

Figure 1 illustrates a typical 5-stage Clos IP fabric. Each node is labelled in such a way that conveys the following:

  1. The nodes placement within the generic IP fabric.
  2. The nodes role within the RIFT IP underlay.
  3. The nodes role within the Auto-EVPN overlay.

Table 1 should also help further align these concepts.

Table 1: Role Associations
Fabric Placement RIFT Role Auto-EVPN Role
Superspine Top-of-Fabric Route Reflector and/or DCI Gateway
Spine Spine or Top-of-PoD N/A
Leaf Leaf Leaf Gateway

It's also important to remember that Auto-EVPN simply takes existing EVPN overlay deployment scenarios and simplifies the provisioning. Figure 2 further illustrates the resulting EVPN overlay topology.

6.2. Auto-EVPN Analytics

Leaf nodes MAY optionally advertise analytics information about the Auto-EVPN fabric to ToF nodes using RIFT Key-Value TIEs. This may be advantageous in that overlay validation and troubleshooting activities can be performed on the ToF nodes.

6.2.1. Auto-EVPN Analytics (Global) Key/Value Pair

This Key/Value pair describes node level information within the context of the Auto-EVPN fabric. The System ID of the advertising leaf node MUST be used to differentiate the node among other nodes in the fabric.

The Auto-EVPN Analytics (Global) Key/Value pair MUST be advertised with the Auto-EVPN Fabric ID encoded into the Key Identifier according to the function in Figure 31.

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|  Well-Known  | Auto-EVPN Glb |           Fabric ID            |
|     (Auto-EVPN Role,                                          |
|      Established BGP Peer Count,                              |
|      Total BGP Peer Count,)                                   |
Figure 3: Auto-EVPN Analytics (Global) Key/Value Pair


  • Auto-EVPN Role:

    A REQUIRED value indicating the node's Auto-EVPN role within the fabric.

    Illegal value, MUST NOT be used.
    Auto-EVPN Leaf Gateway
    Auto-EVPN Top-of-Fabric Gateway
    Established BGP Session Count:
    A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the number of BGP sessions in the Established state.
    Total BGP Peer Count:
    A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the total number of possible BGP sessions on the local node, regardless of state.

Implementations leveraging Thrift for Key-Value functionality SHOULD refer to the auto_evpn_kv.thrift (Appendix B.4) schema in the appendix.

6.2.2. Auto-EVPN Analytics (EVI) Key/Value Pair

This Key/Value pair contains information about a specific EVI on a node within the Auto-EVPN fabric.

The Auto-EVPN EVI Key/Value pair MUST be advertised with the Auto-EVPN EVI ID encoded into the Key Identifier according to the function in Figure 32.

All values advertised in this Key/Value pair MUST represent only state of the local node.

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|  Well-Known  | Auto-EVPN EVI |             EVI ID             |
|     (Operational CE Interface Count,                          |
|      Total CE Interface Count,                                |
|      Operational IRB Interface Count,                         |
|      Total IRB Interface Count,                               |
|      EVPN Type-2 MAC Route Count,                             |
|      EVPN Type-2 MAC/IP Route Count,                          |
|      Configured VLAN Count,                                   |
|      MAC-VRF Name,                                            |
|      MAC-VRF Description,)                                    |
Figure 4: Auto-EVPN Analytics (EVI) Key/Value Pair


  • Operational Customer Edge Interface Count:
    A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the number of CE interfaces associated with the MAC-VRF where both administrative and operational status are "up".
    Total Customer Edge Interface Count:
    A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the total number of CE interfaces associated with the MAC-VRF regardless of interface status.
    Operational IRB Interface Count:
    A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the number of IRB interfaces associated with the MAC-VRF where both administrative and operational status are "up".
    Total IRB Interface Count:
    A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the total number of IRB interfaces associated with the MAC-VRF regardless of interface status.
    EVPN Type-2 MAC Route Count:
    A RECOMMENDED 32-bit integer indicating the total number of EVPN Type-2 MAC routes.
    EVPN Type-2 MAC/IP Route Count:
    A RECOMMENDED 32-bit integer indicating the total number of EVPN Type-2 MAC/IP routes.
    VLAN Count:
    A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the total number configured VLANs.
    MAC-VRF Name:
    A RECOMMENDED string used to indicate the name of the MAC-VRF on the node.
    MAC-VRF Description:
    A RECOMMENDED string used to describe the MAC-VRF on the node, similar to that of an interface description.

Implementations leveraging Thrift for Key-Value functionality SHOULD refer to the auto_evpn_kv.thrift (Appendix B.4) schema in the appendix.

7. IANA Considerations

This section requests the suggested values from the RIFT Well-Known Key Sub-Types Registry and describes their use for Auto-EVPN.

Table 2: Auto-EVPN Suggested Value(s) for RIFT Well-Known Key-Type Registry
Value Key Sub-Type Description Status/Reference
3 Auto-EVPN Analytics (EVI) Analytics describing the state of an EVI on a particular node within a fabric. This document.
4 Auto-EVPN Analytics (Global) Analytics describing BGP state for an Auto-EVPN node within a fabric. This document.

8. Security Considerations

This document introduces no new security concerns to RIFT or other specifications referenced in this document.

9. Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank Olivier Vandezande for some nice operational improvements for variable derivation procedures, as well as Matthew Jones and Michal Styszynski for their contributions.

10. References

10.1. Normative References

Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, , <>.
Sangli, S., Tappan, D., and Y. Rekhter, "BGP Extended Communities Attribute", , <>.
Sajassi, A., Aggarwal, R., Bitar, N., Isaac, A., Uttaro, J., Drake, J., and W. Henderickx, "BGP MPLS-Based Ethernet VPN", , <>.
Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", , <>.
Przygienda, T., Sharma, A., Thubert, P., Rijsman, B., Afanasiev, D., and J. Head, "RIFT: Routing in Fat Trees", Work in Progress draft-ietf-rift-rift-18, , <>.
Head, J. and T. Przygienda, "RIFT Key/Value Structure and Registry", Work in Progress, draft-head-rift-kv-registry-05, .

Appendix A. YANG Model

This section serves as a placeholder for a YANG model supporting RIFT Auto-EVPN.

Appendix B. Thrift Models

This section contains the normative Thrift models required to support Auto-EVPN. Per the main RIFT [RIFT] specification, all signed values MUST be interpreted as unsigned values.

B.1. common.thrift

This section specifies extensions to RIFT common.thrift model.

These extensions are REQUIRED in order to support Auto-EVPN.

/** EVPN Fabric ID */
typedef  i16    FabricIDType

const FabricIDType   undefined_fabric_id   = 0
const FabricIDType   default_fabric_id     = 1

const    bool   default_acting_auto_evpn_dci_when_tof         = false

enum AutoEVPNModel {

const AutoEVPNModel default_autoevpn_model = AutoEVPNModel.ERB_VLAN_BUNDLE
Figure 5: RIFT Common Schema for Auto-EVPN

B.2. encoding.thrift

This section specifies extensions to RIFT encoding.thrift model.

These extensions are REQUIRED in order to support Auto-EVPN.

struct LIEPacket {
    /** provides the optional ID of the configured auto-evpn fabric. */
    35: optional common.FabricIDType       fabric_id;
    /** provides optional version of EVPN ZTP as 256 * MAJOR + MINOR */
    36: optional i16                       auto_evpn_version;

struct NodeTIEElement {
   /** All Auto EVPN elements MUST be present in at least one node TIE in each direction if auto evpn is running.  */
   /** It provides optional version of EVPN ZTP as 256 * MAJOR + MINOR, if set auto EVPN is enabled. */
   21: optional i16                             auto_evpn_version;
   /** It provides the optional ID of the Fabric configured */
   22: optional common.FabricIDType             fabric_id = common.default_fabric_id;
   /** provides optionally the EVPN model supported */
   25: optional common.AutoEVPNModel            auto_evpn_model = common.AutoEVPNModel.ERB_VLAN_BUNDLE,

struct NodeCapabilities {
   /** provides the optional ID of the configured auto-evpn fabric. */
   10: optional bool                           auto_evpn_support = false;

struct NodeFlags {
 /** acting as DCI for auto-evpn, necessary for proper RR election where DCIs are preferred */
    10: optional bool                        acting_auto_evpn_dci_when_tof = common.default_acting_auto_evpn_dci_when_tof,
Figure 6: RIFT Encoding Schema for Auto-EVPN

B.3. common_evpn.thrift

This section defines common_evpn.thrift, a normative Thrift model to support the core functionality for Auto-EVPN.

This model is REQUIRED in order to support Auto-EVPN.

    Thrift file for common AUTO EVPN definitions for RIFT

    Copyright (c) Juniper Networks, Inc., 2016-
    All rights reserved.

namespace py common_evpn
namespace rs models

include "common.thrift"
include "encoding.thrift"
include "statistics.thrift"

const i8                    default_evis          = 3
const i8                    default_vlans_per_evi = 7

typedef i32       RouterIDType
typedef i32       ASType
typedef i32       ClusterIDType

struct EVPNAnyRole {
    1: required   common.IPv6Address                    v6_loopback,
    2: required   common.IPv6Address                    type5_v6_loopback,
    3: required   common.IPv4Address                    type5_v4_loopback,
    4: required   RouterIDType                          bgp_router_id,
    5: required   ASType                                autonomous_system,
    6: required   ClusterIDType                         cluster_id,
    /** prefixes to be redistributed north */
    7: required   set<common.IPPrefixType>              redistribute_north,
    /** prefixes to be redistributed south */
    8: required   set<common.IPPrefixType>              redistribute_south,
    /** group name for evpn auto overlay */
    9: required   string                                bgp_group_name,
    /** fabric prefixes to be advertised in rift instead of default */
   10: required   set<common.IPPrefixType>              fabric_prefixes,
    /** v6 loopback prefix range, used e.g. to clean up config  */
   20: required   common.IPv6PrefixType                 v6_loopback_range,
   21: required   common.IPv6PrefixType                 rr_loopback_range,
   22: required   common.IPv6PrefixType                 type5_loopback_range,
   23: required   common.IPv4PrefixType                 type5_v4_loopback_range,
    /** v6 addresses of all possible RR loopbacks in this config. Can be used for e.g. cleanup */
   24: required   set<common.IPv6PrefixType>            possible_elected_rrs,

struct PartialEVPNEVI {
    // route target per RFC4360
    1: required   CommunityType                         rt_target,
    2: required   RTDistinguisherType                   rt_distinguisher,
    3: required   RTDistinguisherType                   rt_type5_distinguisher,
    5: required   string                                mac_vrf_name,
    6: required   VNIType                               type5_vni,

struct EVPNRRRole {
    2: required   common.IPv6Address                    v6_rr_addr_loopback,
    3: required   common.IPv6PrefixType                 v6_peers_allowed_range,
    4: required   map<MACVRFNumberType, PartialEVPNEVI> evis,

typedef i64         RTDistinguisherType
typedef i64         RTTargetType
typedef i16         MACVRFNumberType

typedef i16         VLANIDType
typedef binary      MACType

typedef i16         UnitType

struct IRBType {
    1: required   string                                name,
    2: required   UnitType                              unit,
    /// constant
    3: required   MACType                               mac,
    /// contains address of the gateway as well
    4: optional   common.IPv6PrefixType                 v6_subnet,
    /// contains address of the gateway as well
    5: optional   common.IPv4PrefixType                 v4_prefix,

typedef i32      VNIType

struct VLANType {
    1: optional   VLANIDType                            id,
    2: required   string                                name,
    3: optional   IRBType                               irb,
    5: optional   bool                                  stretched = false,
    6: optional   bool                                  is_native = false,

struct CEInterfaceType {
    2: optional   common.IEEE802_1ASTimeStampType       moved_to_ce,
    // we may not be able to obtain it in case of internal errors
    3: optional   string                                platform_interface_name,

typedef i64       CommunityType

struct EVPNEVI {
    // route target per RFC4360
    1: required   CommunityType                         rt_target,
    2: required   RTDistinguisherType                   rt_distinguisher,
    3: required   RTDistinguisherType                   rt_type5_distinguisher,
    4: required   string                                mac_vrf_name,
    // fabric unique 24 bits VNI on non-stretch, otherwise unique across fabrics
    5: required   map<VNIType, VLANType>                vlans,
    6: required   VNIType                               type5_vni,

struct EVPNLeafRole {
    1: required   set<common.IPv6Address>               rrs,
    2: required   map<MACVRFNumberType, EVPNEVI>        evis,
    3: optional   map<common.LinkIDType,
                      CEInterfaceType>                  ce_interfaces,

    5: optional   binary                                leaf_unique_lacp_system_id,
    6: optional   binary                                fabric_unique_lacp_system_id,

/// structure to indicate EVPN roles assumed and their variables for
/// external platform to configure itself accordingly. Presence of
/// according structure indicates that the role is assumed.
struct EVPNRoles {
    1: required  EVPNAnyRole                            generic,
    2: optional  EVPNRRRole                             route_reflector,
    3: optional  EVPNLeafRole                           leaf,

const common.TimeIntervalInSecType          default_leaf_delay = 120
const common.TimeIntervalInSecType          default_interface_ce_delay = 180
/// default delay before AUTOEVPN FSM starts to compute anything
const common.TimeIntervalInSecType          default_AUTOEVPN_startup_delay = 60
Figure 7: Auto-EVPN Common Thrift Schema

B.4. auto_evpn_kv.thrift

This section defines auto_evpn_kv.thrift as a method of supporting Auto-EVPN analytics functionality.

include "common.thrift"

namespace py auto_evpn_kv
namespace rs models

/** We don't need the full role structure, only an indication of the node's basic role */
enum AutoEVPNRole {
    ILLEGAL            = 0,
    auto_evpn_leaf_erb = 1,
    auto_evpn_tof_gw   = 2,

const i8            AutoEVPNWellKnownKeyType  = 1
typedef i32         AutoEVPNKeyIdentifier
typedef i16         AutoEVPNCounterType
typedef i32         AutoEVPNLongCounterType

const i8            GlobalAutoEVPNTelemetryKV = 4
const i8            AutoEVPNTelemetryKV       = 3

/** Per the according RIFT draft the key comes from the well known space.
    Part of the key is used as Fabric-ID.

    1st     byte  MUST be = "Well-Known"
    2nd     byte  MUST be = "Auto-EVPN Analytics (Global)",
    3rd/4th bytes MUST be = FabricIDType
struct AutoEVPNTelemetryGlobalKV {
    /** Only values that the ToF cannot derive itself should be flooded. */
    1: required   set<AutoEVPNRole>            auto_evpn_roles,

    /** Established BGP peer count (for Auto-EVPN)
    2: optional   AutoEVPNCounterType          established_bgp_peer_count,

    /** Total BGP peer count (for Auto-EVPN)
    3: optional   AutoEVPNCounterType          total_bgp_peer_count,

/** Per the according RIFT draft the key comes from the well known space.
    Part of the key is used as MAC-VRF number.

    1st     byte  MUST be = "Well-Known"
    2nd     byte  MUST be = "Auto-EVPN Analytics (MAC-VRF)",
    3rd/4th bytes MUST be = MACVRFNumberType
struct AutoEVPNTelemetryMACVRFKV {
    /** Active CE interface count (up/up)
    1: optional   AutoEVPNCounterType          active_ce_interfaces,

    /** Total CE interface count
    2: optional   AutoEVPNCounterType          total_ce_interfaces,

    /** Active IRB interface count (up/up)
    3: optional   AutoEVPNCounterType          active_irb_interfaces,

    /** Total IRB interface count
    4: optional   AutoEVPNCounterType          total_irb_interfaces,

    /** Local EVPN Type-2 MAC route count
    5: optional  AutoEVPNLongCounterType       local_evpn_type2_mac_routes,

    /** Local EVPN Type-2 MAC/IP route count
    6: optional  AutoEVPNLongCounterType       local_evpn_type2_mac_ip_routes,

    /** number of configured VLANs */
    7: optional  i16                           configured_vlans,

    /** optional human readable name */
    8: optional  string                        name,

    /** optional human readable string describing the MAC-VRF */
    9: optional  string                        description,
Figure 8: Auto-EVPN Key-Value Thrift Schema

Appendix C. Auto-EVPN Variable Derivation

C.1. Variable Derivation Functions

This section contains the normative derivation procedures that are REQUIRED to support Auto-EVPN.

/// indicates how many RRs we're computing in AUTO EVPN
pub const MAX_AUTO_EVPN_RRS: usize = 3;
/// indicates the fabric has no ID, used in computations to omit effects of fabric ID
pub const NO_FABRIC_ID: FabricIDType = 0;
/// invalid MACVRF number, MACVRFs start from 1
pub const NO_MACVRF: MACVRFNumberType = 0;
/// first MACVRF
pub const MIN_MACVRF : MACVRFNumberType  = 1;

/// unique v6 prefix for all nodes starts with this
pub fn auto_evpn_v6pref(fid: FabricIDType) -> String {
    format!("FD00:{:04X}:A1", fid)
/// how many bytes in a v6pref for different purposes
pub const AUTO_EVPN_V6PREFLEN: usize = 8 * 5;
/// unique v6 prefix for route reflector purposes starts like this
pub fn auto_evpn_v6rrpref(fid: FabricIDType) -> String {
    format!("FD00:{:04X}:A2", fid)
/// unique v6 prefix for type-5 purposes starts like this
pub fn auto_evpn_v6t5pref(fid: FabricIDType) -> String {
    format!("FD00:{:04X}:A3", fid)
/// unique v6 prefix for IRB prefix purposes
pub fn auto_evpn_v6irbpref(fid: FabricIDType) -> String {
    format!("FD00:{:04X}:A4", fid)
/// 2 bytes of prefix, then fabric ID, then another byte
pub const AUTO_EVPN_V6_FABPREFIXLEN: usize = 16 + 16 + 8;
/// unique v4 prefix for IRB purposes
pub const AUTO_EVPN_V4IRBPREF: &str = "10";

/// per RFC magic
const RT_TARGET_HIGH: CommunityType = 0;
const RT_TARGET_LOW: CommunityType = 0;

/// first available VLAN number
pub const FIRST_VLAN: UnsignedVLANIDType = 1;
// maximum vlan number one less than maximum to use as bitmask
pub const MAX_VLAN: UnsignedVLANIDType = 4095;
/// constant VLAN shift
pub const FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT: UnsignedVLANIDType = NATIVE_VLAN + 1;
/// NATIVE VLAN number
pub const NATIVE_VLAN: UnsignedVLANIDType = 1;

/// abstract description of VLAN properties for a derived VLAN
pub struct VLANDescription {
    pub vlan_id: UnsignedVLANIDType,
    pub name: String,
    /// can this VLAN be stretched across multiple fabrics
    pub stretchable: bool,
    pub native: bool,

/// maximum number of VLANs per MACVRF
pub const MAX_VLANS_PER_EVI: usize = 30;

/// maximum number of EVIs
pub const MAX_EVIS: MACVRFNumberType = 7;

pub type VLANStretchableType = bool;
pub type VLANNativeType = bool;

pub type UnsignedVNIType = u32;
pub type UnsignedFabricIDType = u16;

pub type UnsignedUnitType = u16;
pub type UnsignedVLANIDType = u16;

pub type UnsignedRTDistinguisherType = u64;

pub const EXTRATYPE5_RD_DISTINGUISHER: u32 = 0xffff_ffff;

/// high bits of type 5 VNI
const TYPE5VNIHIGH: UnsignedVNIType = 0x0080_0000;
/// bitmask for type 2 VNI
const TYPE2VNIMASK: UnsignedVNIType = 0x00ff_ffff ^ TYPE5VNIHIGH;

/// random seeds used in several algorithms to increase entropy
pub const RANDOMSEEDS: [u64; 4] = [
Figure 9: auto_evpn_const_structs_type
/// function sorts vector of (is_dci, systemID) first,
/// splits of the DCIs from the non-DCIs and sorts them
/// followed by a shuffle taking largest/smallest/2nd largest/2nd smallest.
/// Ultimately both are merged which prefers the DCIs while
/// still making sure that the election is stable with a system ID joining
/// as smallest/largest.
pub(crate) fn auto_evpn_sids2rrs(v: Vec<(bool, UnsignedSystemID)>)
    -> Vec<UnsignedSystemID> {
    let (dcis, nondcis): (Vec<(bool, UnsignedSystemID)>, Vec<(bool, UnsignedSystemID)>) =
        v.into_iter().partition(|(dci, _)| *dci);

    vec![dcis, nondcis]
        .flat_map(|mut v| {
            if v.len() > 2 {
                let mut s = v.split_off(v.len() / 2);
                interleave(v.into_iter(), s.into_iter())
            } else {
        .map(|(_, sid)| sid)
Figure 10: auto_evpn_sids2rrs
pub(crate) fn auto_evpn_v62octets(a: Ipv6Addr) -> Vec<u8> {
Figure 11: auto_evpn_v62octets
/// fabric prefixes derived instead of advertising default on the fabric to allow
/// for default route on ToF or leaves
pub fn auto_evpn_fid2fabric_prefixes(fid: FabricIDType) -> Result<Vec<IPPrefixType>, ServiceErrorType> {
        (auto_evpn_fidsidv6loopback(fid, ILLEGAL_SYSTEM_I_D as _), AUTO_EVPN_V6PREFLEN),
        (auto_evpn_fidrrpref2rrloopback(fid, ILLEGAL_SYSTEM_I_D as _), AUTO_EVPN_V6PREFLEN),
        .map(|(p, _)|
            match p {
                Ok(_) => Ok(
                        IPv6PrefixType {
                            address: auto_evpn_v62octets(p?),
                            prefixlen: AUTO_EVPN_V6PREFLEN as _,
                Err(e) => Err(e),
        .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
Figure 12: auto_evpn_fid2fabric_prefixes
/// local address with encoded fabric ID and system ID for collision free identifiers. Basis
/// for several different prefixes.
pub fn auto_evpn_v6prefixfidsid2loopback(v6pref: &str, fid: FabricIDType,
                                         sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> Result<Ipv6Addr, ServiceErrorType> {
    assert!(fid != UNDEFINED_FABRIC_ID);
    let a = format!("{}00::{}",
                            chunk.fold(0u16, |v, n| (v << 8) | *n as u16))
                        .map(|v| format!("{:04X}", v))

        .map_err(|_| ServiceErrorType::INTERNALRIFTERROR)
Figure 13: auto_evpn_v6prefixfidsid2loopback
/// auto evpn V6 loopback for RRs
pub fn auto_evpn_fidrrpref2rrloopback(fid: FabricIDType,
                                      preference: u8) -> Result<Ipv6Addr, ServiceErrorType> {
    auto_evpn_v6prefixfidsid2loopback(&auto_evpn_v6rrpref(fid), fid, (1 + preference) as _)
Figure 14: auto_evpn_fidrrpref2rrloopback
/// auto evpn BGP router ID
pub fn auto_evpn_sidfid2bgpid(fid: FabricIDType, sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> u32 {
    assert!(fid != 0);
    let hs: u32 = ((sid & 0xffff_ffff_0000_0000) >> 32) as _;
    let mut ls: u32 = (sid & 0xffff_ffff) as _;
    ls = ls.rotate_right(7) ^ (fid as u32).rotate_right(13);
    max(1, hs ^ ls) // never a 0
Figure 15: auto_evpn_sidfid2bgpid
/// route target bytes are type0/0 and then add EVI
pub fn auto_evpn_evi2rt(evi: MACVRFNumberType) -> CommunityType {
    let wideevi = (evi + 1) as CommunityType;

    (RT_TARGET_HIGH << (64 - 8)) | (RT_TARGET_LOW << 64 - 16) |
        ((wideevi) << 17) |
Figure 16: auto_evpn_evi2rt
/// type-5 VNI for an EVI
pub fn auto_evpn_fidevi2type5vni(fid: FabricIDType, evi: MACVRFNumberType) -> UnsignedVNIType {
    TYPE5VNIHIGH | auto_evpn_fidevivid2vni(fid, evi, 0, false)
Figure 17: auto_evpn_fidevi2type5vni
/// type-2 VNI for a specific VLAN
pub fn auto_evpn_fidevivid2vni(fid: FabricIDType, evi: MACVRFNumberType, vlanid: VLANIDType, stretchable: bool) -> UnsignedVNIType {
    let rfid = if stretchable {
        NO_FABRIC_ID as _
    } else {
        fid as UnsignedVNIType

    let revi = evi as UnsignedVNIType;
    let rvlan = vlanid as UnsignedVNIType;
// mask out high bits, VNI is only 24 bits
            rfid.rotate_left(16) ^
                revi.rotate_left(12) ^
Figure 18: auto_evpn_fidevivid2vni
/// maximum VLANs per EVI supported by auto evpn when deriving
pub fn auto_evpn_vlan_description_table<'a>(vlans: usize)
                                            -> Result<&'a [(UnsignedVLANIDType, VLANStretchableType, VLANNativeType)], ServiceErrorType> {
    // up to 15 vlans can be activated
    const VLANSARRAY: [(UnsignedVLANIDType, bool, bool); MAX_VLANS_PER_EVI] = [
        (NATIVE_VLAN, true, true, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 1, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 2, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 3, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 4, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 5, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 6, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 7, true, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 8, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT + 9, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +10, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +11, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +12, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +13, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +14, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +15, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +16, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +17, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +18, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +19, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +20, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +21, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +22, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +23, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +24, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +25, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +26, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +27, false, false, ),
        (FIRST_VLAN_SHIFT +28, false, false, ),

    if vlans > VLANSARRAY.len() {
        return Err(ServiceErrorType::INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE)

Figure 19: auto_evpn_vlan_description_table
const fn num_bits<T>() -> usize { std::mem::size_of::<T>() * 8 }

fn log2(x: u32) -> u32 {
    assert!(x > 0);
    num_bits::<u32>() as u32 - x.leading_zeros() - 1

/// delivers the vlan description that can be used to generate vlans for a
/// specific fabric ID and a MACVRF number
pub fn auto_evpn_fidevivlansvlans2desc(fid: UnsignedFabricIDType, macvrf: MACVRFNumberType,
                                       vlans: usize) -> Vec<VLANDescription> {
    assert!(NO_MACVRF != macvrf);

    // abstract description of derived VLANs
    let vlan_table = auto_evpn_vlan_description_table(vlans)
        .expect("vlan table in AUTO EVPN incorrect");

    let vlanshift = log2(vlan_table
        .map(|(vl, _, _)| *vl as usize)
        .expect("vlan table in AUTO EVPN incorrect")
        .expect("vlan table in AUTO EVPN incorrect")
        as u32);

        .map(move |(vid, stretch, native_)| {
            let stretchedfid = if !stretch {
            } else {
                NO_FABRIC_ID as _

            let reducedmacvrf = macvrf - MIN_MACVRF;

            // we shift fid & evi same amount to extinguish them possibly
            let fidandevishift = vlanshift + 1;
            let mut vlan_id = *vid ^ stretchedfid
                .rotate_left(fidandevishift) as UnsignedVLANIDType;
            // leave space for VLANs in the encoding
            vlan_id ^= reducedmacvrf.rotate_left(fidandevishift) as UnsignedVLANIDType;

            vlan_id %= MAX_VLAN;
            vlan_id = max(1, vlan_id);

            VLANDescription {
                vlan_id: vlan_id as _,
                name: format!("V{}", vlan_id),
                stretchable: *stretch,
                native: *native_,
Figure 20: auto_evpn_fidevivlansvlans2desc
/// IRB interface number.
/// fid/evi combination shifted up to not interfere with the VLAN-ID
/// and then add the VLAN-ID
pub fn auto_evpn_fidevivid2irb(_fid: FabricIDType, _evi: MACVRFNumberType, vid: VLANIDType) -> UnsignedUnitType {

    assert!(NO_MACVRF != _evi);

    // VLAN collision function is collision free to the point we can just ignore EVI
    // and assign IRB interface number to be same as VLAN which simplifies deployment
    let mut v: UnsignedUnitType = 0;

    v = v.wrapping_add(vid as UnsignedVLANIDType);
    max(1, v % (UnsignedUnitType::MAX - 1))
Figure 21: auto_evpn_fidevivid2irb
/// route distinguisher derivation
pub fn auto_evpn_sidfid2rd(sid: UnsignedSystemID, fid: UnsignedFabricIDType, extra: u32) -> UnsignedRTDistinguisherType {
    // generate type 0 route distinguisher, first 2 bytes 0 and then 6 bytes
    assert!(fid != NO_FABRIC_ID as _);
    // shift the 2 bytes we loose
    let convsid = sid as UnsignedRTDistinguisherType;
    let hs = ((sid & 0xffff_0000_0000_0000) >> 32) as UnsignedRTDistinguisherType;
    let mut ls: UnsignedRTDistinguisherType = convsid & 0x0000_ffff_ffff_ffff;
    ls ^= hs;
    ls ^= (fid as UnsignedRTDistinguisherType).rotate_left(16);
    ls ^= extra as UnsignedRTDistinguisherType;
Figure 22: auto_evpn_sidfid2rd
/// v4 subnet derivation
pub fn auto_evpn_v4prefixfidevividsid2v4subnet(v4pref: &str, fid: FabricIDType,
                                               evi: MACVRFNumberType, vid: VLANIDType,
                                               sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> Result<IPv4PrefixType, ServiceErrorType> {

    assert!(NO_MACVRF != evi);

    // fid can be 0 for stretched v4subnets
    let mut sub = evi.to_ne_bytes().iter()
        .fold((RANDOMSEEDS[0] & 0xff) as u8, |r, e| r.rotate_left(1) ^ e.rotate_right(1));
    sub ^= fid.to_ne_bytes().iter()
        .fold((RANDOMSEEDS[1] & 0xff) as u8, |r, e| r.rotate_left(2) ^ e.rotate_right(1));
    sub ^= vid.to_ne_bytes().iter()
        .fold((RANDOMSEEDS[2] & 0xff) as u8, |r, e| r.rotate_left(3) ^ e.rotate_right(1));

    let subnet = sub % 254; // make sure we don't show multicast subnet

    let _host = sid.to_ne_bytes().iter()
        .fold(0u16, |r, e| r.rotate_left(3) ^ e.rotate_right(3) as u16);

    let a = format!("{}.{}.{}.{}",

        IPv4PrefixType {
            address: Ipv4Addr::from_str(&a)
                .map_err(|_| {
                .fold(0u32, |v, nv| v << 8 | (*nv as u32)) as IPv4Address
            prefixlen: 16,
Figure 23: auto_evpn_v4prefixfidevividsid2v4subnet
/// generic v6 bytes derivation used for different purposes
pub fn auto_evpn_v6hash(fid: FabricIDType, evi: MACVRFNumberType, vid: VLANIDType, sid: UnsignedSystemID)
                        -> [u8; 8] {

    let mut sub = evi.to_ne_bytes().iter()
        .fold(RANDOMSEEDS[3], |r, e| r.rotate_left(6) ^ e.rotate_right(4) as u64);
    sub ^= fid.to_ne_bytes().iter()
        .fold(RANDOMSEEDS[0], |r, e| r.rotate_left(6) ^ e.rotate_right(4) as u64);
    sub ^= vid as u64;
    sub ^= sid;

Figure 24: auto_evpn_v6hash
/// v6 subnet derivation
pub fn auto_evpn_fidevividsid2v6subnet(fid: FabricIDType, evi: MACVRFNumberType,
                                       vid: VLANIDType,
                                       sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> Result<IPv6PrefixType, ServiceErrorType> {

    assert!(NO_MACVRF != evi);

    let sb = auto_evpn_v6hash(fid, evi, vid, sid);

    let a = format!("{}:{:02X}{:02X}:{:02X}{:02X}:{:02X}{:02X}::1",
                    sb[3] ^ sb[0],
                    sb[4] ^ sb[1],

    Ok(IPv6PrefixType {
        address: Ipv6Addr::from_str(
            .map_err(|_| {
        prefixlen: 64,
Figure 25: auto_evpn_fidevividsid2v6subnet
/// MAC address derivation for IRB
pub fn auto_evpn_fidevividsid2mac(fid: FabricIDType, evi: MACVRFNumberType,
                                  vid: VLANIDType, sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> Vec<u8> {

    let sb = auto_evpn_v6hash(fid, evi, vid, sid);

         sb[3] ^ sb[0],
         sb[4] ^ sb[1],
         sb[5] ^ sb[2],
Figure 26: auto_evpn_fidevividsid2mac
/// v4 loopback address derivation for every node in auto-evpn, returns address and
/// subnet mask length
pub fn auto_evpn_fidsid2v4loopback(fid: FabricIDType, sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> (IPv4Address, u8) {
    let mut derived = sid.to_ne_bytes().iter()
        .fold(0 as IPv4Address, |p, e| (p << 4) ^ (*e as IPv4Address));
    derived ^= fid as IPv4Address;
    // use the byte we loose for entropy
    derived ^= derived >> 24;
    // and sanitize for loopback range, we nuke 9 bits out
    derived &= 0x007f_ffff;

    let m = ((127 as IPv4Address) << 24) | derived;
    (m as _, 9)
Figure 27: auto_evpn_fidsid2v4loopback
/// V6 loopback derivation for every node in auto-evpn
pub fn auto_evpn_fidsidv6loopback(fid: FabricIDType,
                                  sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> Result<Ipv6Addr, ServiceErrorType> {
    auto_evpn_v6prefixfidsid2loopback(&auto_evpn_v6pref(fid), fid, sid)
Figure 28: auto_evpn_fidsidv6loopback
pub fn auto_evpn_fid2private_AS(fid: FabricIDType) -> u32 {
    assert!(fid != NO_FABRIC_ID);
    // range 4200000000-4294967294
    const DIFF: u32 = 4_294_967_294 - 4_200_000_000;
    64496 + ((fid as u32) << 3) % DIFF
Figure 29: auto_evpn_fid2private_AS
pub fn auto_evpn_fid2clusterid(fid: FabricIDType) -> u32 {
Figure 30: auto_evpn_fid2clusterid

C.2. Variable Derivation Results

This section contains functional variable derviation results that can be used as a confirmation that an implementation conforms to procedures in this document.

Table 3: Example Derivation Results
Fabric ID EVI ID VLAN ID Stretched VNI IRB
1 1 1 Y 4097 1
1 1 2 Y 4098 2
1 1 3 Y 4099 3
1 1 4 Y 4100 4
1 1 5 Y 4101 5
1 1 6 Y 4102 6
1 1 7 Y 4103 7
1 1 8 Y 4104 8
1 1 9 Y 4105 9
1 1 74 N 69706 74
1 1 75 N 69707 75
1 1 76 N 69708 76
1 1 77 N 69709 77
1 1 78 N 69710 78
1 1 79 N 69711 79
1 1 80 N 69712 80
1 1 81 N 69713 81
1 1 82 N 69714 82
1 1 83 N 69715 83
1 1 84 N 69716 84
1 1 85 N 69717 85
1 1 86 N 69718 86
1 1 87 N 69719 87
1 1 88 N 69720 88
1 1 89 N 69721 89
1 1 90 N 69722 90
1 1 91 N 69723 91
1 1 92 N 69724 92
1 1 93 N 69725 93
1 1 94 N 69726 94
1 2 65 Y 8257 65
1 2 66 Y 8258 66
1 2 67 Y 8259 67
1 2 68 Y 8260 68
1 2 69 Y 8261 69
1 2 70 Y 8262 70
1 2 71 Y 8263 71
1 2 72 Y 8264 72
1 2 73 Y 8265 73
1 2 10 N 73738 10
1 2 11 N 73739 11
1 2 12 N 73740 12
1 2 13 N 73741 13
1 2 14 N 73742 14
1 2 15 N 73743 15
1 2 16 N 73744 16
1 2 17 N 73745 17
1 2 18 N 73746 18
1 2 19 N 73747 19
1 2 20 N 73748 20
1 2 21 N 73749 21
1 2 22 N 73750 22
1 2 23 N 73751 23
1 2 24 N 73752 24
1 2 25 N 73753 25
1 2 26 N 73754 26
1 2 27 N 73755 27
1 2 28 N 73756 28
1 2 29 N 73757 29
1 2 30 N 73758 30
1 3 129 Y 12417 129
1 3 130 Y 12418 130
1 3 131 Y 12419 131
1 3 132 Y 12420 132
1 3 133 Y 12421 133
1 3 134 Y 12422 134
1 3 135 Y 12423 135
1 3 136 Y 12424 136
1 3 137 Y 12425 137
1 3 202 N 78026 202
1 3 203 N 78027 203
1 3 204 N 78028 204
1 3 205 N 78029 205
1 3 206 N 78030 206
1 3 207 N 78031 207
1 3 208 N 78032 208
1 3 209 N 78033 209
1 3 210 N 78034 210
1 3 211 N 78035 211
1 3 212 N 78036 212
1 3 213 N 78037 213
1 3 214 N 78038 214
1 3 215 N 78039 215
1 3 216 N 78040 216
1 3 217 N 78041 217
1 3 218 N 78042 218
1 3 219 N 78043 219
1 3 220 N 78044 220
1 3 221 N 78045 221
1 3 222 N 78046 222
1 4 193 Y 16577 193
1 4 194 Y 16578 194
1 4 195 Y 16579 195
1 4 196 Y 16580 196
1 4 197 Y 16581 197
1 4 198 Y 16582 198
1 4 199 Y 16583 199
1 4 200 Y 16584 200
1 4 201 Y 16585 201
1 4 138 N 82058 138
1 4 139 N 82059 139
1 4 140 N 82060 140
1 4 141 N 82061 141
1 4 142 N 82062 142
1 4 143 N 82063 143
1 4 144 N 82064 144
1 4 145 N 82065 145
1 4 146 N 82066 146
1 4 147 N 82067 147
1 4 148 N 82068 148
1 4 149 N 82069 149
1 4 150 N 82070 150
1 4 151 N 82071 151
1 4 152 N 82072 152
1 4 153 N 82073 153
1 4 154 N 82074 154
1 4 155 N 82075 155
1 4 156 N 82076 156
1 4 157 N 82077 157
1 4 158 N 82078 158
1 5 257 Y 20737 257
1 5 258 Y 20738 258
1 5 259 Y 20739 259
1 5 260 Y 20740 260
1 5 261 Y 20741 261
1 5 262 Y 20742 262
1 5 263 Y 20743 263
1 5 264 Y 20744 264
1 5 265 Y 20745 265
1 5 330 N 86346 330
1 5 331 N 86347 331
1 5 332 N 86348 332
1 5 333 N 86349 333
1 5 334 N 86350 334
1 5 335 N 86351 335
1 5 336 N 86352 336
1 5 337 N 86353 337
1 5 338 N 86354 338
1 5 339 N 86355 339
1 5 340 N 86356 340
1 5 341 N 86357 341
1 5 342 N 86358 342
1 5 343 N 86359 343
1 5 344 N 86360 344
1 5 345 N 86361 345
1 5 346 N 86362 346
1 5 347 N 86363 347
1 5 348 N 86364 348
1 5 349 N 86365 349
1 5 350 N 86366 350
1 6 321 Y 24897 321
1 6 322 Y 24898 322
1 6 323 Y 24899 323
1 6 324 Y 24900 324
1 6 325 Y 24901 325
1 6 326 Y 24902 326
1 6 327 Y 24903 327
1 6 328 Y 24904 328
1 6 329 Y 24905 329
1 6 266 N 90378 266
1 6 267 N 90379 267
1 6 268 N 90380 268
1 6 269 N 90381 269
1 6 270 N 90382 270
1 6 271 N 90383 271
1 6 272 N 90384 272
1 6 273 N 90385 273
1 6 274 N 90386 274
1 6 275 N 90387 275
1 6 276 N 90388 276
1 6 277 N 90389 277
1 6 278 N 90390 278
1 6 279 N 90391 279
1 6 280 N 90392 280
1 6 281 N 90393 281
1 6 282 N 90394 282
1 6 283 N 90395 283
1 6 284 N 90396 284
1 6 285 N 90397 285
1 6 286 N 90398 286
2 1 1 Y 4097 1
2 1 2 Y 4098 2
2 1 3 Y 4099 3
2 1 4 Y 4100 4
2 1 5 Y 4101 5
2 1 6 Y 4102 6
2 1 7 Y 4103 7
2 1 8 Y 4104 8
2 1 9 Y 4105 9
2 1 138 N 135306 138
2 1 139 N 135307 139
2 1 140 N 135308 140
2 1 141 N 135309 141
2 1 142 N 135310 142
2 1 143 N 135311 143
2 1 144 N 135312 144
2 1 145 N 135313 145
2 1 146 N 135314 146
2 1 147 N 135315 147
2 1 148 N 135316 148
2 1 149 N 135317 149
2 1 150 N 135318 150
2 1 151 N 135319 151
2 1 152 N 135320 152
2 1 153 N 135321 153
2 1 154 N 135322 154
2 1 155 N 135323 155
2 1 156 N 135324 156
2 1 157 N 135325 157
2 1 158 N 135326 158
2 2 65 Y 8257 65
2 2 66 Y 8258 66
2 2 67 Y 8259 67
2 2 68 Y 8260 68
2 2 69 Y 8261 69
2 2 70 Y 8262 70
2 2 71 Y 8263 71
2 2 72 Y 8264 72
2 2 73 Y 8265 73
2 2 202 N 139466 202
2 2 203 N 139467 203
2 2 204 N 139468 204
2 2 205 N 139469 205
2 2 206 N 139470 206
2 2 207 N 139471 207
2 2 208 N 139472 208
2 2 209 N 139473 209
2 2 210 N 139474 210
2 2 211 N 139475 211
2 2 212 N 139476 212
2 2 213 N 139477 213
2 2 214 N 139478 214
2 2 215 N 139479 215
2 2 216 N 139480 216
2 2 217 N 139481 217
2 2 218 N 139482 218
2 2 219 N 139483 219
2 2 220 N 139484 220
2 2 221 N 139485 221
2 2 222 N 139486 222
2 3 129 Y 12417 129
2 3 130 Y 12418 130
2 3 131 Y 12419 131
2 3 132 Y 12420 132
2 3 133 Y 12421 133
2 3 134 Y 12422 134
2 3 135 Y 12423 135
2 3 136 Y 12424 136
2 3 137 Y 12425 137
2 3 10 N 143370 10
2 3 11 N 143371 11
2 3 12 N 143372 12
2 3 13 N 143373 13
2 3 14 N 143374 14
2 3 15 N 143375 15
2 3 16 N 143376 16
2 3 17 N 143377 17
2 3 18 N 143378 18
2 3 19 N 143379 19
2 3 20 N 143380 20
2 3 21 N 143381 21
2 3 22 N 143382 22
2 3 23 N 143383 23
2 3 24 N 143384 24
2 3 25 N 143385 25
2 3 26 N 143386 26
2 3 27 N 143387 27
2 3 28 N 143388 28
2 3 29 N 143389 29
2 3 30 N 143390 30
2 4 193 Y 16577 193
2 4 194 Y 16578 194
2 4 195 Y 16579 195
2 4 196 Y 16580 196
2 4 197 Y 16581 197
2 4 198 Y 16582 198
2 4 199 Y 16583 199
2 4 200 Y 16584 200
2 4 201 Y 16585 201
2 4 74 N 147530 74
2 4 75 N 147531 75
2 4 76 N 147532 76
2 4 77 N 147533 77
2 4 78 N 147534 78
2 4 79 N 147535 79
2 4 80 N 147536 80
2 4 81 N 147537 81
2 4 82 N 147538 82
2 4 83 N 147539 83
2 4 84 N 147540 84
2 4 85 N 147541 85
2 4 86 N 147542 86
2 4 87 N 147543 87
2 4 88 N 147544 88
2 4 89 N 147545 89
2 4 90 N 147546 90
2 4 91 N 147547 91
2 4 92 N 147548 92
2 4 93 N 147549 93
2 4 94 N 147550 94
2 5 257 Y 20737 257
2 5 258 Y 20738 258
2 5 259 Y 20739 259
2 5 260 Y 20740 260
2 5 261 Y 20741 261
2 5 262 Y 20742 262
2 5 263 Y 20743 263
2 5 264 Y 20744 264
2 5 265 Y 20745 265
2 5 394 N 151946 394
2 5 395 N 151947 395
2 5 396 N 151948 396
2 5 397 N 151949 397
2 5 398 N 151950 398
2 5 399 N 151951 399
2 5 400 N 151952 400
2 5 401 N 151953 401
2 5 402 N 151954 402
2 5 403 N 151955 403
2 5 404 N 151956 404
2 5 405 N 151957 405
2 5 406 N 151958 406
2 5 407 N 151959 407
2 5 408 N 151960 408
2 5 409 N 151961 409
2 5 410 N 151962 410
2 5 411 N 151963 411
2 5 412 N 151964 412
2 5 413 N 151965 413
2 5 414 N 151966 414
2 6 321 Y 24897 321
2 6 322 Y 24898 322
2 6 323 Y 24899 323
2 6 324 Y 24900 324
2 6 325 Y 24901 325
2 6 326 Y 24902 326
2 6 327 Y 24903 327
2 6 328 Y 24904 328
2 6 329 Y 24905 329
2 6 458 N 156106 458
2 6 459 N 156107 459
2 6 460 N 156108 460
2 6 461 N 156109 461
2 6 462 N 156110 462
2 6 463 N 156111 463
2 6 464 N 156112 464
2 6 465 N 156113 465
2 6 466 N 156114 466
2 6 467 N 156115 467
2 6 468 N 156116 468
2 6 469 N 156117 469
2 6 470 N 156118 470
2 6 471 N 156119 471
2 6 472 N 156120 472
2 6 473 N 156121 473
2 6 474 N 156122 474
2 6 475 N 156123 475
2 6 476 N 156124 476
2 6 477 N 156125 477
2 6 478 N 156126 478
3 1 1 Y 4097 1
3 1 2 Y 4098 2
3 1 3 Y 4099 3
3 1 4 Y 4100 4
3 1 5 Y 4101 5
3 1 6 Y 4102 6
3 1 7 Y 4103 7
3 1 8 Y 4104 8
3 1 9 Y 4105 9
3 1 202 N 200906 202
3 1 203 N 200907 203
3 1 204 N 200908 204
3 1 205 N 200909 205
3 1 206 N 200910 206
3 1 207 N 200911 207
3 1 208 N 200912 208
3 1 209 N 200913 209
3 1 210 N 200914 210
3 1 211 N 200915 211
3 1 212 N 200916 212
3 1 213 N 200917 213
3 1 214 N 200918 214
3 1 215 N 200919 215
3 1 216 N 200920 216
3 1 217 N 200921 217
3 1 218 N 200922 218
3 1 219 N 200923 219
3 1 220 N 200924 220
3 1 221 N 200925 221
3 1 222 N 200926 222
3 2 65 Y 8257 65
3 2 66 Y 8258 66
3 2 67 Y 8259 67
3 2 68 Y 8260 68
3 2 69 Y 8261 69
3 2 70 Y 8262 70
3 2 71 Y 8263 71
3 2 72 Y 8264 72
3 2 73 Y 8265 73
3 2 138 N 204938 138
3 2 139 N 204939 139
3 2 140 N 204940 140
3 2 141 N 204941 141
3 2 142 N 204942 142
3 2 143 N 204943 143
3 2 144 N 204944 144
3 2 145 N 204945 145
3 2 146 N 204946 146
3 2 147 N 204947 147
3 2 148 N 204948 148
3 2 149 N 204949 149
3 2 150 N 204950 150
3 2 151 N 204951 151
3 2 152 N 204952 152
3 2 153 N 204953 153
3 2 154 N 204954 154
3 2 155 N 204955 155
3 2 156 N 204956 156
3 2 157 N 204957 157
3 2 158 N 204958 158
3 3 129 Y 12417 129
3 3 130 Y 12418 130
3 3 131 Y 12419 131
3 3 132 Y 12420 132
3 3 133 Y 12421 133
3 3 134 Y 12422 134
3 3 135 Y 12423 135
3 3 136 Y 12424 136
3 3 137 Y 12425 137
3 3 74 N 208970 74
3 3 75 N 208971 75
3 3 76 N 208972 76
3 3 77 N 208973 77
3 3 78 N 208974 78
3 3 79 N 208975 79
3 3 80 N 208976 80
3 3 81 N 208977 81
3 3 82 N 208978 82
3 3 83 N 208979 83
3 3 84 N 208980 84
3 3 85 N 208981 85
3 3 86 N 208982 86
3 3 87 N 208983 87
3 3 88 N 208984 88
3 3 89 N 208985 89
3 3 90 N 208986 90
3 3 91 N 208987 91
3 3 92 N 208988 92
3 3 93 N 208989 93
3 3 94 N 208990 94
3 4 193 Y 16577 193
3 4 194 Y 16578 194
3 4 195 Y 16579 195
3 4 196 Y 16580 196
3 4 197 Y 16581 197
3 4 198 Y 16582 198
3 4 199 Y 16583 199
3 4 200 Y 16584 200
3 4 201 Y 16585 201
3 4 10 N 213002 10
3 4 11 N 213003 11
3 4 12 N 213004 12
3 4 13 N 213005 13
3 4 14 N 213006 14
3 4 15 N 213007 15
3 4 16 N 213008 16
3 4 17 N 213009 17
3 4 18 N 213010 18
3 4 19 N 213011 19
3 4 20 N 213012 20
3 4 21 N 213013 21
3 4 22 N 213014 22
3 4 23 N 213015 23
3 4 24 N 213016 24
3 4 25 N 213017 25
3 4 26 N 213018 26
3 4 27 N 213019 27
3 4 28 N 213020 28
3 4 29 N 213021 29
3 4 30 N 213022 30
3 5 257 Y 20737 257
3 5 258 Y 20738 258
3 5 259 Y 20739 259
3 5 260 Y 20740 260
3 5 261 Y 20741 261
3 5 262 Y 20742 262
3 5 263 Y 20743 263
3 5 264 Y 20744 264
3 5 265 Y 20745 265
3 5 458 N 217546 458
3 5 459 N 217547 459
3 5 460 N 217548 460
3 5 461 N 217549 461
3 5 462 N 217550 462
3 5 463 N 217551 463
3 5 464 N 217552 464
3 5 465 N 217553 465
3 5 466 N 217554 466
3 5 467 N 217555 467
3 5 468 N 217556 468
3 5 469 N 217557 469
3 5 470 N 217558 470
3 5 471 N 217559 471
3 5 472 N 217560 472
3 5 473 N 217561 473
3 5 474 N 217562 474
3 5 475 N 217563 475
3 5 476 N 217564 476
3 5 477 N 217565 477
3 5 478 N 217566 478
3 6 321 Y 24897 321
3 6 322 Y 24898 322
3 6 323 Y 24899 323
3 6 324 Y 24900 324
3 6 325 Y 24901 325
3 6 326 Y 24902 326
3 6 327 Y 24903 327
3 6 328 Y 24904 328
3 6 329 Y 24905 329
3 6 394 N 221578 394
3 6 395 N 221579 395
3 6 396 N 221580 396
3 6 397 N 221581 397
3 6 398 N 221582 398
3 6 399 N 221583 399
3 6 400 N 221584 400
3 6 401 N 221585 401
3 6 402 N 221586 402
3 6 403 N 221587 403
3 6 404 N 221588 404
3 6 405 N 221589 405
3 6 406 N 221590 406
3 6 407 N 221591 407
3 6 408 N 221592 408
3 6 409 N 221593 409
3 6 410 N 221594 410
3 6 411 N 221595 411
3 6 412 N 221596 412
3 6 413 N 221597 413
3 6 414 N 221598 414
4 1 1 Y 4097 1
4 1 2 Y 4098 2
4 1 3 Y 4099 3
4 1 4 Y 4100 4
4 1 5 Y 4101 5
4 1 6 Y 4102 6
4 1 7 Y 4103 7
4 1 8 Y 4104 8
4 1 9 Y 4105 9
4 1 266 N 266506 266
4 1 267 N 266507 267
4 1 268 N 266508 268
4 1 269 N 266509 269
4 1 270 N 266510 270
4 1 271 N 266511 271
4 1 272 N 266512 272
4 1 273 N 266513 273
4 1 274 N 266514 274
4 1 275 N 266515 275
4 1 276 N 266516 276
4 1 277 N 266517 277
4 1 278 N 266518 278
4 1 279 N 266519 279
4 1 280 N 266520 280
4 1 281 N 266521 281
4 1 282 N 266522 282
4 1 283 N 266523 283
4 1 284 N 266524 284
4 1 285 N 266525 285
4 1 286 N 266526 286
4 2 65 Y 8257 65
4 2 66 Y 8258 66
4 2 67 Y 8259 67
4 2 68 Y 8260 68
4 2 69 Y 8261 69
4 2 70 Y 8262 70
4 2 71 Y 8263 71
4 2 72 Y 8264 72
4 2 73 Y 8265 73
4 2 330 N 270666 330
4 2 331 N 270667 331
4 2 332 N 270668 332
4 2 333 N 270669 333
4 2 334 N 270670 334
4 2 335 N 270671 335
4 2 336 N 270672 336
4 2 337 N 270673 337
4 2 338 N 270674 338
4 2 339 N 270675 339
4 2 340 N 270676 340
4 2 341 N 270677 341
4 2 342 N 270678 342
4 2 343 N 270679 343
4 2 344 N 270680 344
4 2 345 N 270681 345
4 2 346 N 270682 346
4 2 347 N 270683 347
4 2 348 N 270684 348
4 2 349 N 270685 349
4 2 350 N 270686 350
4 3 129 Y 12417 129
4 3 130 Y 12418 130
4 3 131 Y 12419 131
4 3 132 Y 12420 132
4 3 133 Y 12421 133
4 3 134 Y 12422 134
4 3 135 Y 12423 135
4 3 136 Y 12424 136
4 3 137 Y 12425 137
4 3 394 N 274826 394
4 3 395 N 274827 395
4 3 396 N 274828 396
4 3 397 N 274829 397
4 3 398 N 274830 398
4 3 399 N 274831 399
4 3 400 N 274832 400
4 3 401 N 274833 401
4 3 402 N 274834 402
4 3 403 N 274835 403
4 3 404 N 274836 404
4 3 405 N 274837 405
4 3 406 N 274838 406
4 3 407 N 274839 407
4 3 408 N 274840 408
4 3 409 N 274841 409
4 3 410 N 274842 410
4 3 411 N 274843 411
4 3 412 N 274844 412
4 3 413 N 274845 413
4 3 414 N 274846 414
4 4 193 Y 16577 193
4 4 194 Y 16578 194
4 4 195 Y 16579 195
4 4 196 Y 16580 196
4 4 197 Y 16581 197
4 4 198 Y 16582 198
4 4 199 Y 16583 199
4 4 200 Y 16584 200
4 4 201 Y 16585 201
4 4 458 N 278986 458
4 4 459 N 278987 459
4 4 460 N 278988 460
4 4 461 N 278989 461
4 4 462 N 278990 462
4 4 463 N 278991 463
4 4 464 N 278992 464
4 4 465 N 278993 465
4 4 466 N 278994 466
4 4 467 N 278995 467
4 4 468 N 278996 468
4 4 469 N 278997 469
4 4 470 N 278998 470
4 4 471 N 278999 471
4 4 472 N 279000 472
4 4 473 N 279001 473
4 4 474 N 279002 474
4 4 475 N 279003 475
4 4 476 N 279004 476
4 4 477 N 279005 477
4 4 478 N 279006 478
4 5 257 Y 20737 257
4 5 258 Y 20738 258
4 5 259 Y 20739 259
4 5 260 Y 20740 260
4 5 261 Y 20741 261
4 5 262 Y 20742 262
4 5 263 Y 20743 263
4 5 264 Y 20744 264
4 5 265 Y 20745 265
4 5 10 N 282634 10
4 5 11 N 282635 11
4 5 12 N 282636 12
4 5 13 N 282637 13
4 5 14 N 282638 14
4 5 15 N 282639 15
4 5 16 N 282640 16
4 5 17 N 282641 17
4 5 18 N 282642 18
4 5 19 N 282643 19
4 5 20 N 282644 20
4 5 21 N 282645 21
4 5 22 N 282646 22
4 5 23 N 282647 23
4 5 24 N 282648 24
4 5 25 N 282649 25
4 5 26 N 282650 26
4 5 27 N 282651 27
4 5 28 N 282652 28
4 5 29 N 282653 29
4 5 30 N 282654 30
4 6 321 Y 24897 321
4 6 322 Y 24898 322
4 6 323 Y 24899 323
4 6 324 Y 24900 324
4 6 325 Y 24901 325
4 6 326 Y 24902 326
4 6 327 Y 24903 327
4 6 328 Y 24904 328
4 6 329 Y 24905 329
4 6 74 N 286794 74
4 6 75 N 286795 75
4 6 76 N 286796 76
4 6 77 N 286797 77
4 6 78 N 286798 78
4 6 79 N 286799 79
4 6 80 N 286800 80
4 6 81 N 286801 81
4 6 82 N 286802 82
4 6 83 N 286803 83
4 6 84 N 286804 84
4 6 85 N 286805 85
4 6 86 N 286806 86
4 6 87 N 286807 87
4 6 88 N 286808 88
4 6 89 N 286809 89
4 6 90 N 286810 90
4 6 91 N 286811 91
4 6 92 N 286812 92
4 6 93 N 286813 93
4 6 94 N 286814 94
5 1 1 Y 4097 1
5 1 2 Y 4098 2
5 1 3 Y 4099 3
5 1 4 Y 4100 4
5 1 5 Y 4101 5
5 1 6 Y 4102 6
5 1 7 Y 4103 7
5 1 8 Y 4104 8
5 1 9 Y 4105 9
5 1 330 N 332106 330
5 1 331 N 332107 331
5 1 332 N 332108 332
5 1 333 N 332109 333
5 1 334 N 332110 334
5 1 335 N 332111 335
5 1 336 N 332112 336
5 1 337 N 332113 337
5 1 338 N 332114 338
5 1 339 N 332115 339
5 1 340 N 332116 340
5 1 341 N 332117 341
5 1 342 N 332118 342
5 1 343 N 332119 343
5 1 344 N 332120 344
5 1 345 N 332121 345
5 1 346 N 332122 346
5 1 347 N 332123 347
5 1 348 N 332124 348
5 1 349 N 332125 349
5 1 350 N 332126 350
5 2 65 Y 8257 65
5 2 66 Y 8258 66
5 2 67 Y 8259 67
5 2 68 Y 8260 68
5 2 69 Y 8261 69
5 2 70 Y 8262 70
5 2 71 Y 8263 71
5 2 72 Y 8264 72
5 2 73 Y 8265 73
5 2 266 N 336138 266
5 2 267 N 336139 267
5 2 268 N 336140 268
5 2 269 N 336141 269
5 2 270 N 336142 270
5 2 271 N 336143 271
5 2 272 N 336144 272
5 2 273 N 336145 273
5 2 274 N 336146 274
5 2 275 N 336147 275
5 2 276 N 336148 276
5 2 277 N 336149 277
5 2 278 N 336150 278
5 2 279 N 336151 279
5 2 280 N 336152 280
5 2 281 N 336153 281
5 2 282 N 336154 282
5 2 283 N 336155 283
5 2 284 N 336156 284
5 2 285 N 336157 285
5 2 286 N 336158 286
5 3 129 Y 12417 129
5 3 130 Y 12418 130
5 3 131 Y 12419 131
5 3 132 Y 12420 132
5 3 133 Y 12421 133
5 3 134 Y 12422 134
5 3 135 Y 12423 135
5 3 136 Y 12424 136
5 3 137 Y 12425 137
5 3 458 N 340426 458
5 3 459 N 340427 459
5 3 460 N 340428 460
5 3 461 N 340429 461
5 3 462 N 340430 462
5 3 463 N 340431 463
5 3 464 N 340432 464
5 3 465 N 340433 465
5 3 466 N 340434 466
5 3 467 N 340435 467
5 3 468 N 340436 468
5 3 469 N 340437 469
5 3 470 N 340438 470
5 3 471 N 340439 471
5 3 472 N 340440 472
5 3 473 N 340441 473
5 3 474 N 340442 474
5 3 475 N 340443 475
5 3 476 N 340444 476
5 3 477 N 340445 477
5 3 478 N 340446 478
5 4 193 Y 16577 193
5 4 194 Y 16578 194
5 4 195 Y 16579 195
5 4 196 Y 16580 196
5 4 197 Y 16581 197
5 4 198 Y 16582 198
5 4 199 Y 16583 199
5 4 200 Y 16584 200
5 4 201 Y 16585 201
5 4 394 N 344458 394
5 4 395 N 344459 395
5 4 396 N 344460 396
5 4 397 N 344461 397
5 4 398 N 344462 398
5 4 399 N 344463 399
5 4 400 N 344464 400
5 4 401 N 344465 401
5 4 402 N 344466 402
5 4 403 N 344467 403
5 4 404 N 344468 404
5 4 405 N 344469 405
5 4 406 N 344470 406
5 4 407 N 344471 407
5 4 408 N 344472 408
5 4 409 N 344473 409
5 4 410 N 344474 410
5 4 411 N 344475 411
5 4 412 N 344476 412
5 4 413 N 344477 413
5 4 414 N 344478 414
5 5 257 Y 20737 257
5 5 258 Y 20738 258
5 5 259 Y 20739 259
5 5 260 Y 20740 260
5 5 261 Y 20741 261
5 5 262 Y 20742 262
5 5 263 Y 20743 263
5 5 264 Y 20744 264
5 5 265 Y 20745 265
5 5 74 N 348234 74
5 5 75 N 348235 75
5 5 76 N 348236 76
5 5 77 N 348237 77
5 5 78 N 348238 78
5 5 79 N 348239 79
5 5 80 N 348240 80
5 5 81 N 348241 81
5 5 82 N 348242 82
5 5 83 N 348243 83
5 5 84 N 348244 84
5 5 85 N 348245 85
5 5 86 N 348246 86
5 5 87 N 348247 87
5 5 88 N 348248 88
5 5 89 N 348249 89
5 5 90 N 348250 90
5 5 91 N 348251 91
5 5 92 N 348252 92
5 5 93 N 348253 93
5 5 94 N 348254 94
5 6 321 Y 24897 321
5 6 322 Y 24898 322
5 6 323 Y 24899 323
5 6 324 Y 24900 324
5 6 325 Y 24901 325
5 6 326 Y 24902 326
5 6 327 Y 24903 327
5 6 328 Y 24904 328
5 6 329 Y 24905 329
5 6 10 N 352266 10
5 6 11 N 352267 11
5 6 12 N 352268 12
5 6 13 N 352269 13
5 6 14 N 352270 14
5 6 15 N 352271 15
5 6 16 N 352272 16
5 6 17 N 352273 17
5 6 18 N 352274 18
5 6 19 N 352275 19
5 6 20 N 352276 20
5 6 21 N 352277 21
5 6 22 N 352278 22
5 6 23 N 352279 23
5 6 24 N 352280 24
5 6 25 N 352281 25
5 6 26 N 352282 26
5 6 27 N 352283 27
5 6 28 N 352284 28
5 6 29 N 352285 29
5 6 30 N 352286 30
6 1 1 Y 4097 1
6 1 2 Y 4098 2
6 1 3 Y 4099 3
6 1 4 Y 4100 4
6 1 5 Y 4101 5
6 1 6 Y 4102 6
6 1 7 Y 4103 7
6 1 8 Y 4104 8
6 1 9 Y 4105 9
6 1 394 N 397706 394
6 1 395 N 397707 395
6 1 396 N 397708 396
6 1 397 N 397709 397
6 1 398 N 397710 398
6 1 399 N 397711 399
6 1 400 N 397712 400
6 1 401 N 397713 401
6 1 402 N 397714 402
6 1 403 N 397715 403
6 1 404 N 397716 404
6 1 405 N 397717 405
6 1 406 N 397718 406
6 1 407 N 397719 407
6 1 408 N 397720 408
6 1 409 N 397721 409
6 1 410 N 397722 410
6 1 411 N 397723 411
6 1 412 N 397724 412
6 1 413 N 397725 413
6 1 414 N 397726 414
6 2 65 Y 8257 65
6 2 66 Y 8258 66
6 2 67 Y 8259 67
6 2 68 Y 8260 68
6 2 69 Y 8261 69
6 2 70 Y 8262 70
6 2 71 Y 8263 71
6 2 72 Y 8264 72
6 2 73 Y 8265 73
6 2 458 N 401866 458
6 2 459 N 401867 459
6 2 460 N 401868 460
6 2 461 N 401869 461
6 2 462 N 401870 462
6 2 463 N 401871 463
6 2 464 N 401872 464
6 2 465 N 401873 465
6 2 466 N 401874 466
6 2 467 N 401875 467
6 2 468 N 401876 468
6 2 469 N 401877 469
6 2 470 N 401878 470
6 2 471 N 401879 471
6 2 472 N 401880 472
6 2 473 N 401881 473
6 2 474 N 401882 474
6 2 475 N 401883 475
6 2 476 N 401884 476
6 2 477 N 401885 477
6 2 478 N 401886 478
6 3 129 Y 12417 129
6 3 130 Y 12418 130
6 3 131 Y 12419 131
6 3 132 Y 12420 132
6 3 133 Y 12421 133
6 3 134 Y 12422 134
6 3 135 Y 12423 135
6 3 136 Y 12424 136
6 3 137 Y 12425 137
6 3 266 N 405770 266
6 3 267 N 405771 267
6 3 268 N 405772 268
6 3 269 N 405773 269
6 3 270 N 405774 270
6 3 271 N 405775 271
6 3 272 N 405776 272
6 3 273 N 405777 273
6 3 274 N 405778 274
6 3 275 N 405779 275
6 3 276 N 405780 276
6 3 277 N 405781 277
6 3 278 N 405782 278
6 3 279 N 405783 279
6 3 280 N 405784 280
6 3 281 N 405785 281
6 3 282 N 405786 282
6 3 283 N 405787 283
6 3 284 N 405788 284
6 3 285 N 405789 285
6 3 286 N 405790 286
6 4 193 Y 16577 193
6 4 194 Y 16578 194
6 4 195 Y 16579 195
6 4 196 Y 16580 196
6 4 197 Y 16581 197
6 4 198 Y 16582 198
6 4 199 Y 16583 199
6 4 200 Y 16584 200
6 4 201 Y 16585 201
6 4 330 N 409930 330
6 4 331 N 409931 331
6 4 332 N 409932 332
6 4 333 N 409933 333
6 4 334 N 409934 334
6 4 335 N 409935 335
6 4 336 N 409936 336
6 4 337 N 409937 337
6 4 338 N 409938 338
6 4 339 N 409939 339
6 4 340 N 409940 340
6 4 341 N 409941 341
6 4 342 N 409942 342
6 4 343 N 409943 343
6 4 344 N 409944 344
6 4 345 N 409945 345
6 4 346 N 409946 346
6 4 347 N 409947 347
6 4 348 N 409948 348
6 4 349 N 409949 349
6 4 350 N 409950 350
6 5 257 Y 20737 257
6 5 258 Y 20738 258
6 5 259 Y 20739 259
6 5 260 Y 20740 260
6 5 261 Y 20741 261
6 5 262 Y 20742 262
6 5 263 Y 20743 263
6 5 264 Y 20744 264
6 5 265 Y 20745 265
6 5 138 N 413834 138
6 5 139 N 413835 139
6 5 140 N 413836 140
6 5 141 N 413837 141
6 5 142 N 413838 142
6 5 143 N 413839 143
6 5 144 N 413840 144
6 5 145 N 413841 145
6 5 146 N 413842 146
6 5 147 N 413843 147
6 5 148 N 413844 148
6 5 149 N 413845 149
6 5 150 N 413846 150
6 5 151 N 413847 151
6 5 152 N 413848 152
6 5 153 N 413849 153
6 5 154 N 413850 154
6 5 155 N 413851 155
6 5 156 N 413852 156
6 5 157 N 413853 157
6 5 158 N 413854 158
6 6 321 Y 24897 321
6 6 322 Y 24898 322
6 6 323 Y 24899 323
6 6 324 Y 24900 324
6 6 325 Y 24901 325
6 6 326 Y 24902 326
6 6 327 Y 24903 327
6 6 328 Y 24904 328
6 6 329 Y 24905 329
6 6 202 N 417994 202
6 6 203 N 417995 203
6 6 204 N 417996 204
6 6 205 N 417997 205
6 6 206 N 417998 206
6 6 207 N 417999 207
6 6 208 N 418000 208
6 6 209 N 418001 209
6 6 210 N 418002 210
6 6 211 N 418003 211
6 6 212 N 418004 212
6 6 213 N 418005 213
6 6 214 N 418006 214
6 6 215 N 418007 215
6 6 216 N 418008 216
6 6 217 N 418009 217
6 6 218 N 418010 218
6 6 219 N 418011 219
6 6 220 N 418012 220
6 6 221 N 418013 221
6 6 222 N 418014 222

C.3. Auto-EVPN Analytics Functions

This section defines functions as a method of supporting Auto-EVPN analytics functionality.

pub const fn GlobalAutoEVPNKeyIdentifier() -> AutoEVPNKeyIdentifier {
    let KVW : KeyIDType = KVTypes::WELLKNOWN as _;

    KVW << 24 |
        (AUTO_E_V_P_N_WELL_KNOWN_KEY_TYPE as AutoEVPNKeyIdentifier) << 16 |
        (GLOBAL_AUTO_E_V_P_N_TELEMETRY_K_V as AutoEVPNKeyIdentifier) << 8
Figure 31: Auto-EVPN Analytics Function: Global Key/Value Pair
fn MACVRFNumberType2AutoEVPNKeyIdentifier(evi: MACVRFNumberType) -> AutoEVPNKeyIdentifier {
    let kvw : i32 = KVTypes::WELLKNOWN.into();

    kvw << 24 |
        (AUTO_E_V_P_N_WELL_KNOWN_KEY_TYPE as AutoEVPNKeyIdentifier) << 16 |
        (AUTO_E_V_P_N_TELEMETRY_K_V as AutoEVPNKeyIdentifier) << 8 |
        evi as AutoEVPNKeyIdentifier
Figure 32: Auto-EVPN Analytics Function: EVI Key/Value Pair

Authors' Addresses

Jordan Head (editor)
Juniper Networks
1137 Innovation Way
Sunnyvale, CA
United States of America
Tony Przygienda
Juniper Networks
1137 Innovation Way
Sunnyvale, CA
United States of America
Wen Lin
Juniper Networks
10 Technology Park Drive
Westford, MA
United States of America