patch-2.3.10 linux/drivers/net/arlan-proc.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.9/linux/drivers/net/arlan-proc.c linux/drivers/net/arlan-proc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1059 @@
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include "arlan.h"
+#include <linux/sysctl.h>
+#include <linux/version.h>
+/* void enableReceive(struct device* dev);
+static  int	arlan_command(struct device * dev, int command);
+#define ARLAN_STR_SIZE 	0x2ff0
+#define DEV_ARLAN_INFO 	1
+#define DEV_ARLAN 	1
+#define SARLG(type,var) {\
+	pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info+pos, "%s\t=\t0x%x\n", #var, READSHMB(priva->card->var));	\
+	}
+#define SARLBN(type,var,nn) {\
+	pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info+pos, "%s\t=\t0x",#var);\
+	for (i=0; i < nn; i++ ) pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info+pos, "%02x",READSHMB(priva->card->var[i]));\
+	pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info+pos, "\n");	\
+	}
+#define SARLBNpln(type,var,nn) {\
+	for (i=0; i < nn; i++ ) pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info+pos, "%02x",READSHMB(priva->card->var[i]));\
+	}
+#define SARLSTR(var,nn) {\
+	char tmpStr[400];\
+	int  tmpLn = nn;\
+	if (nn > 399 ) tmpLn = 399; \
+	memcpy(tmpStr,(char *) priva->conf->var,tmpLn);\
+	tmpStr[tmpLn] = 0; \
+	pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info+pos, "%s\t=\t%s \n",#var,priva->conf->var);\
+	}
+#define SARLUC(var)  	SARLG(u_char, var)
+#define SARLUCN(var,nn) SARLBN(u_char,var, nn)
+#define SARLUS(var)	SARLG(u_short, var)
+#define SARLUSN(var,nn)	SARLBN(u_short,var, nn)
+#define SARLUI(var)	SARLG(u_int, var)
+#define SARLUSA(var) {\
+	u_short tmpVar;\
+	memcpy(&tmpVar, (short *) priva->conf->var,2); \
+	pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info+pos, "%s\t=\t0x%x\n",#var, tmpVar);\
+#define SARLUIA(var) {\
+	u_int tmpVar;\
+	memcpy(&tmpVar, (int* )priva->conf->var,4); \
+	pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info+pos, "%s\t=\t0x%x\n",#var, tmpVar);\
+const char *arlan_diagnostic_info_string(struct device *dev)
+	volatile struct arlan_shmem *arlan = ((struct arlan_private *) dev->priv)->card;
+	u_char diagnosticInfo;
+	READSHM(diagnosticInfo, arlan->diagnosticInfo, u_char);
+	switch (diagnosticInfo)
+	{
+		case 0xFF:
+			return "Diagnostic info is OK";
+		case 0xFE:
+			return "ERROR EPROM Checksum error ";
+		case 0xFD:
+			return "ERROR Local Ram Test Failed ";
+		case 0xFC:
+			return "ERROR SCC failure ";
+		case 0xFB:
+			return "ERROR BackBone failure ";
+		case 0xFA:
+			return "ERROR tranceiver not found ";
+		case 0xF9:
+			return "ERROR no more address space ";
+		case 0xF8:
+			return "ERROR Checksum error  ";
+		case 0xF7:
+			return "ERROR Missing SS Code";
+		case 0xF6:
+			return "ERROR Invalid config format";
+		case 0xF5:
+			return "ERROR Reserved errorcode F5";
+		case 0xF4:
+			return "ERROR Invalid spreading code/channel number";
+		case 0xF3:
+			return "ERROR Load Code Error";
+		case 0xF2:
+			return "ERROR Reserver errorcode F2 ";
+		case 0xF1:
+			return "ERROR Invalid command receivec by LAN card ";
+		case 0xF0:
+			return "ERROR Invalid parameter found in command ";
+		case 0xEF:
+			return "ERROR On-chip timer failure ";
+		case 0xEE:
+			return "ERROR T410 timer failure ";
+		case 0xED:
+			return "ERROR Too Many TxEnable commands ";
+		case 0xEC:
+			return "ERROR EEPROM error on radio module ";
+		default:
+			return "ERROR unknown Diagnostic info reply code ";
+	  }
+static const char *arlan_hardware_type_string(struct device *dev)
+	u_char hardwareType;
+	volatile struct arlan_shmem *arlan = ((struct arlan_private *) dev->priv)->card;
+	READSHM(hardwareType, arlan->hardwareType, u_char);
+	switch (hardwareType)
+	{
+		case 0x00:
+			return "type A450";
+		case 0x01:
+			return "type A650 ";
+		case 0x04:
+			return "type TMA coproc";
+		case 0x0D:
+			return "type A650E ";
+		case 0x18:
+			return "type TMA coproc Australian";
+		case 0x19:
+			return "type A650A ";
+		case 0x26:
+			return "type TMA coproc European";
+		case 0x2E:
+			return "type A655 ";
+		case 0x2F:
+			return "type A655A ";
+		case 0x30:
+			return "type A655E ";
+		case 0x0B:
+			return "type A670 ";
+		case 0x0C:
+			return "type A670E ";
+		case 0x2D:
+			return "type A670A ";
+		case 0x0F:
+			return "type A411T";
+		case 0x16:
+			return "type A411TA";
+		case 0x1B:
+			return "type A440T";
+		case 0x1C:
+			return "type A412T";
+		case 0x1E:
+			return "type A412TA";
+		case 0x22:
+			return "type A411TE";
+		case 0x24:
+			return "type A412TE";
+		case 0x27:
+			return "type A671T ";
+		case 0x29:
+			return "type A671TA ";
+		case 0x2B:
+			return "type A671TE ";
+		case 0x31:
+			return "type A415T ";
+		case 0x33:
+			return "type A415TA ";
+		case 0x35:
+			return "type A415TE ";
+		case 0x37:
+			return "type A672";
+		case 0x39:
+			return "type A672A ";
+		case 0x3B:
+			return "type A672T";
+		case 0x6B:
+			return "type IC2200";
+		default:
+			return "type A672T";
+	}
+static void arlan_print_diagnostic_info(struct device *dev)
+	int i;
+	u_char diagnosticInfo;
+	u_short diagnosticOffset;
+	u_char hardwareType;
+	volatile struct arlan_shmem *arlan = ((struct arlan_private *) dev->priv)->card;
+	//  ARLAN_DEBUG_ENTRY("arlan_print_diagnostic_info");
+	if (READSHMB(arlan->configuredStatusFlag) == 0)
+		printk("Arlan: Card NOT configured\n");
+	else
+		printk("Arlan: Card is configured\n");
+	READSHM(diagnosticInfo, arlan->diagnosticInfo, u_char);
+	READSHM(diagnosticOffset, arlan->diagnosticOffset, u_short);
+	printk(KERN_INFO "%s\n", arlan_diagnostic_info_string(dev));
+	if (diagnosticInfo != 0xff)
+		printk("%s arlan: Diagnostic Offset %d \n", dev->name, diagnosticOffset);
+	printk("arlan: LAN CODE ID = ");
+	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+		DEBUGSHM(1, "%03d:", arlan->lanCardNodeId[i], u_char);
+	printk("\n");
+	printk("arlan: Arlan BroadCast address  = ");
+	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+		DEBUGSHM(1, "%03d:", arlan->broadcastAddress[i], u_char);
+	printk("\n");
+	READSHM(hardwareType, arlan->hardwareType, u_char);
+	printk(KERN_INFO "%s\n", arlan_hardware_type_string(dev));
+	DEBUGSHM(1, "arlan: channelNumber=%d\n", arlan->channelNumber, u_char);
+	DEBUGSHM(1, "arlan: channelSet=%d\n", arlan->channelSet, u_char);
+	DEBUGSHM(1, "arlan: spreadingCode=%d\n", arlan->spreadingCode, u_char);
+	DEBUGSHM(1, "arlan: radioNodeId=%d\n", arlan->radioNodeId, u_short);
+	DEBUGSHM(1, "arlan: SID	=%d\n", arlan->SID, u_short);
+	DEBUGSHM(1, "arlan: rxOffset=%d\n", arlan->rxOffset, u_short);
+	DEBUGSHM(1, "arlan: registration mode is %d\n", arlan->registrationMode, u_char);
+	printk("arlan: name= ");
+	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+	{
+		char c;
+		READSHM(c, arlan->name[i], char);
+		if (c)
+			printk("%c", c);
+	}
+	printk("\n");
+//   ARLAN_DEBUG_EXIT("arlan_print_diagnostic_info");
+/******************************		TEST 	MEMORY	**************/
+static int arlan_hw_test_memory(struct device *dev)
+	u_char *ptr;
+	int i;
+	int memlen = sizeof(struct arlan_shmem) - 0xF;	/* avoid control register */
+	volatile char *arlan_mem = (char *) (dev->mem_start);
+	volatile struct arlan_shmem *arlan = ((struct arlan_private *) dev->priv)->card;
+	char pattern;
+	ptr = NULL;
+	/* hold card in reset state */
+	setHardwareReset(dev);
+	/* test memory */
+	pattern = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < memlen; i++)
+		WRITESHM(arlan_mem[i], ((u_char) pattern++), u_char);
+	pattern = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < memlen; i++)
+	{
+		char res;
+		READSHM(res, arlan_mem[i], char);
+		if (res != pattern++)
+		{
+			printk(KERN_ERR "Arlan driver memory test 1 failed \n");
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	pattern = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < memlen; i++)
+		WRITESHM(arlan_mem[i], ~(pattern++), char);
+	pattern = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < memlen; i++)
+	{
+		char res;
+		READSHM(res, arlan_mem[i], char);
+		if (res != ~(pattern++))
+		{
+			printk(KERN_ERR "Arlan driver memory test 2 failed \n");
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	/* zero memory */
+	for (i = 0; i < memlen; i++)
+		WRITESHM(arlan_mem[i], 0x00, char);
+	IFDEBUG(1) printk(KERN_INFO "Arlan: memory tests ok\n");
+	/* set reset flag and then release reset */
+	WRITESHM(arlan->resetFlag, 0xff, u_char);
+	clearChannelAttention(dev);
+	clearHardwareReset(dev);
+	/* wait for reset flag to become zero, we'll wait for two seconds */
+	if (arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_LONG_WAIT_NOW))
+	{
+		printk(KERN_ERR "%s arlan: failed to come back from memory test\n", dev->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int arlan_setup_card_by_book(struct device *dev)
+	u_char irqLevel, configuredStatusFlag;
+	volatile struct arlan_shmem *arlan = ((struct arlan_private *) dev->priv)->card;
+//	ARLAN_DEBUG_ENTRY("arlan_setup_card");
+	READSHM(configuredStatusFlag, arlan->configuredStatusFlag, u_char);
+	if (configuredStatusFlag != 0)
+		IFDEBUG(10) printk("arlan: CARD IS CONFIGURED\n");
+	else
+		IFDEBUG(10) printk("arlan: card is NOT configured\n");
+	if (testMemory || (READSHMB(arlan->diagnosticInfo) != 0xff))
+		if (arlan_hw_test_memory(dev))
+			return -1;
+	DEBUGSHM(4, "arlan configuredStatus = %d \n", arlan->configuredStatusFlag, u_char);
+	DEBUGSHM(4, "arlan driver diagnostic: 0x%2x\n", arlan->diagnosticInfo, u_char);
+	/* issue nop command - no interupt */
+	arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_NOOP);
+	if (arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_WAIT_NOW) != 0)
+		return -1;
+	IFDEBUG(50) printk("1st Noop successfully executed !!\n");
+	/* try to turn on the arlan interrupts */
+	clearClearInterrupt(dev);
+	setClearInterrupt(dev);
+	setInterruptEnable(dev);
+	/* issue nop command - with interrupt */
+	arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_NOOPINT);
+	if (arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_WAIT_NOW) != 0)
+		return -1;
+	IFDEBUG(50) printk("2nd Noop successfully executed !!\n");
+	READSHM(irqLevel, arlan->irqLevel, u_char)
+	if (irqLevel != dev->irq)
+	{
+		IFDEBUG(1) printk(KERN_WARNING "arlan dip switches set irq to %d\n", irqLevel);
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "device driver irq set to %d - does not match\n", dev->irq);
+		dev->irq = irqLevel;
+	}
+	else
+		IFDEBUG(2) printk("irq level is OK\n");
+	IFDEBUG(3) arlan_print_diagnostic_info(dev);
+	arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_CONF);
+	READSHM(configuredStatusFlag, arlan->configuredStatusFlag, u_char);
+	if (configuredStatusFlag == 0)
+	{
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "arlan configure failed\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_LONG_WAIT_NOW);
+	arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_RX);
+	arlan_command(dev, ARLAN_COMMAND_LONG_WAIT_NOW);
+	printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: arlan driver version %s loaded\n",
+	       dev->name, arlan_version);
+//	ARLAN_DEBUG_EXIT("arlan_setup_card");
+	return 0;		/* no errors */
+static char arlan_drive_info[ARLAN_STR_SIZE] = "A655\n\0";
+static int arlan_sysctl_info(ctl_table * ctl, int write, struct file *filp,
+		      void *buffer, size_t * lenp)
+	int i;
+	int retv, pos, devnum;
+	struct arlan_private *priva = NULL;
+	struct device *dev;
+	pos = 0;
+	if (write)
+	{
+		printk("wrirte: ");
+		for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+			printk("adi %x \n", arlan_drive_info[i]);
+	}
+	if (ctl->procname == NULL || arlan_drive_info == NULL)
+	{
+		printk(KERN_WARNING " procname is NULL in sysctl_table or arlan_drive_info is NULL \n at arlan module\n ");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	devnum = ctl->procname[5] - '0';
+	if (devnum < 0 || devnum > MAX_ARLANS - 1)
+	{
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "too strange devnum in procfs parse\n ");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	else if (arlan_device[devnum] == NULL)
+	{
+		if (ctl->procname)
+			pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info + pos, "\t%s\n\n", ctl->procname);
+		pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info + pos, "No device found here \n");
+		goto final;
+	}
+	else
+		priva = arlan_device[devnum]->priv;
+	if (priva == NULL)
+	{
+		printk(KERN_WARNING " Could not find the device private in arlan procsys, bad\n ");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	dev = arlan_device[devnum];
+	memcpy_fromio(priva->conf, priva->card, sizeof(struct arlan_shmem));
+	pos = sprintf(arlan_drive_info, "Arlan  info \n");
+	/* Header Signature */
+	SARLSTR(textRegion, 48);
+	SARLUC(resetFlag);
+	pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info + pos, "diagnosticInfo\t=\t%s \n", arlan_diagnostic_info_string(dev));
+	SARLUC(diagnosticInfo);
+	SARLUS(diagnosticOffset);
+	SARLUCN(_1, 12);
+	SARLUCN(lanCardNodeId, 6);
+	SARLUCN(broadcastAddress, 6);
+	pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info + pos, "hardwareType =\t  %s \n", arlan_hardware_type_string(dev));
+	SARLUC(hardwareType);
+	SARLUC(majorHardwareVersion);
+	SARLUC(minorHardwareVersion);
+	SARLUC(radioModule);
+	SARLUC(defaultChannelSet);
+	SARLUCN(_2, 47);
+	/* Control/Status Block - 0x0080 */
+	SARLUC(interruptInProgress);
+	SARLUC(cntrlRegImage);
+	SARLUCN(_3, 14);
+	SARLUC(commandByte);
+	SARLUCN(commandParameter, 15);
+	/* Receive Status - 0x00a0 */
+	SARLUC(rxStatus);
+	SARLUC(rxFrmType);
+	SARLUS(rxOffset);
+	SARLUS(rxLength);
+	SARLUCN(rxSrc, 6);
+	SARLUC(rxBroadcastFlag);
+	SARLUC(rxQuality);
+	SARLUC(scrambled);
+	SARLUCN(_4, 1);
+	/* Transmit Status - 0x00b0 */
+	SARLUC(txStatus);
+	SARLUC(txAckQuality);
+	SARLUC(numRetries);
+	SARLUCN(_5, 14);
+	SARLUCN(registeredRouter, 6);
+	SARLUCN(backboneRouter, 6);
+	SARLUC(registrationStatus);
+	SARLUC(configuredStatusFlag);
+	SARLUCN(_6, 1);
+	SARLUCN(ultimateDestAddress, 6);
+	SARLUCN(immedDestAddress, 6);
+	SARLUCN(immedSrcAddress, 6);
+	SARLUS(rxSequenceNumber);
+	SARLUC(assignedLocaltalkAddress);
+	SARLUCN(_7, 27);
+	/* System Parameter Block */
+	/* - Driver Parameters (Novell Specific) */
+	SARLUS(txTimeout);
+	SARLUS(transportTime);
+	SARLUCN(_8, 4);
+	/* - Configuration Parameters */
+	SARLUC(irqLevel);
+	SARLUC(spreadingCode);
+	SARLUC(channelSet);
+	SARLUC(channelNumber);
+	SARLUS(radioNodeId);
+	SARLUCN(_9, 2);
+	SARLUC(scramblingDisable);
+	SARLUC(radioType);
+	SARLUS(routerId);
+	SARLUCN(_10, 9);
+	SARLUC(txAttenuation);
+	SARLUIA(systemId);
+	SARLUS(globalChecksum);
+	SARLUCN(_11, 4);
+	SARLUS(maxDatagramSize);
+	SARLUS(maxFrameSize);
+	SARLUC(maxRetries);
+	SARLUC(receiveMode);
+	SARLUC(priority);
+	SARLUC(rootOrRepeater);
+	SARLUCN(specifiedRouter, 6);
+	SARLUS(fastPollPeriod);
+	SARLUC(pollDecay);
+	SARLUSA(fastPollDelay);
+	SARLUC(arlThreshold);
+	SARLUC(arlDecay);
+	SARLUCN(_12, 1);
+	SARLUS(specRouterTimeout);
+	SARLUCN(_13, 5);
+	/* Scrambled Area */
+	SARLUCN(encryptionKey, 12);
+	SARLUIA(_14);
+	SARLUSA(waitTime);
+	SARLUSA(lParameter);
+	SARLUCN(_15, 3);
+	SARLUS(headerSize);
+	SARLUS(sectionChecksum);
+	SARLUC(registrationMode);
+	SARLUC(registrationFill);
+	SARLUS(pollPeriod);
+	SARLUS(refreshPeriod);
+	SARLSTR(name, 16);
+	SARLUC(localTalkAddress);
+	SARLUC(codeFormat);
+	SARLUC(numChannels);
+	SARLUC(channel1);
+	SARLUC(channel2);
+	SARLUC(channel3);
+	SARLUC(channel4);
+	SARLUCN(SSCode, 59);
+/*      SARLUCN( _16, 0x140);
+ */
+	/* Statistics Block - 0x0300 */
+	SARLUC(hostcpuLock);
+	SARLUC(lancpuLock);
+	SARLUCN(resetTime, 18);
+	SARLUIA(numDatagramsTransmitted);
+	SARLUIA(numReTransmissions);
+	SARLUIA(numFramesDiscarded);
+	SARLUIA(numDatagramsReceived);
+	SARLUIA(numDuplicateReceivedFrames);
+	SARLUIA(numDatagramsDiscarded);
+	SARLUS(maxNumReTransmitDatagram);
+	SARLUS(maxNumReTransmitFrames);
+	SARLUS(maxNumConsecutiveDuplicateFrames);
+	/* misaligned here so we have to go to characters */
+	SARLUIA(numBytesTransmitted);
+	SARLUIA(numBytesReceived);
+	SARLUIA(numCRCErrors);
+	SARLUIA(numLengthErrors);
+	SARLUIA(numAbortErrors);
+	SARLUIA(numTXUnderruns);
+	SARLUIA(numRXOverruns);
+	SARLUIA(numHoldOffs);
+	SARLUIA(numFramesTransmitted);
+	SARLUIA(numFramesReceived);
+	SARLUIA(numReceiveFramesLost);
+	SARLUIA(numRXBufferOverflows);
+	SARLUIA(numFramesDiscardedAddrMismatch);
+	SARLUIA(numFramesDiscardedSIDMismatch);
+	SARLUIA(numPollsTransmistted);
+	SARLUIA(numPollAcknowledges);
+	SARLUIA(numStatusTimeouts);
+	SARLUIA(numNACKReceived);
+	SARLUS(auxCmd);
+	SARLUCN(dumpPtr, 4);
+	SARLUC(dumpVal);
+	SARLUC(wireTest);
+	/* next 4 seems too long for procfs, over single page ?
+	SARLUCN( _17, 0x86);
+	SARLUCN( txBuffer, 0x800);
+	SARLUCN( rxBuffer,  0x800); 
+	SARLUCN( _18, 0x0bff);
+	 */
+	pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info + pos, "rxRing\t=\t0x");
+	for (i = 0; i < 0x50; i++)
+		pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info + pos, "%02x", ((char *) priva->conf)[priva->conf->rxOffset + i]);
+	pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info + pos, "\n");
+	SARLUC(configStatus);
+	SARLUC(_22);
+	SARLUC(progIOCtrl);
+	SARLUC(shareMBase);
+	SARLUC(controlRegister);
+	pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info + pos, " total %d chars\n", pos);
+	if (ctl)
+		if (ctl->procname)
+			pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info + pos, " driver name : %s\n", ctl->procname);
+	*lenp = pos;
+	if (!write)
+		retv = proc_dostring(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp);
+	else
+	{
+		*lenp = 0;
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return retv;
+static int arlan_sysctl_info161719(ctl_table * ctl, int write, struct file *filp,
+			    void *buffer, size_t * lenp)
+	int i;
+	int retv, pos, devnum;
+	struct arlan_private *priva = NULL;
+	pos = 0;
+	devnum = ctl->procname[5] - '0';
+	if (arlan_device[devnum] == NULL)
+	{
+		pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info + pos, "No device found here \n");
+		goto final;
+	}
+	else
+		priva = arlan_device[devnum]->priv;
+	if (priva == NULL)
+	{
+		printk(KERN_WARNING " Could not find the device private in arlan procsys, bad\n ");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	memcpy_fromio(priva->conf, priva->card, sizeof(struct arlan_shmem));
+	SARLUCN(_16, 0xC0);
+	SARLUCN(_17, 0x6A);
+	SARLUCN(_18, 14);
+	SARLUCN(_19, 0x86);
+	SARLUCN(_21, 0x3fd);
+	*lenp = pos;
+	retv = proc_dostring(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp);
+	return retv;
+static int arlan_sysctl_infotxRing(ctl_table * ctl, int write, struct file *filp,
+			    void *buffer, size_t * lenp)
+	int i;
+	int retv, pos, devnum;
+	struct arlan_private *priva = NULL;
+	pos = 0;
+	devnum = ctl->procname[5] - '0';
+	if (arlan_device[devnum] == NULL)
+	{
+		  pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info + pos, "No device found here \n");
+		  goto final;
+	}
+	else
+		priva = arlan_device[devnum]->priv;
+	if (priva == NULL)
+	{
+		printk(KERN_WARNING " Could not find the device private in arlan procsys, bad\n ");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	memcpy_fromio(priva->conf, priva->card, sizeof(struct arlan_shmem));
+	SARLBNpln(u_char, txBuffer, 0x800);
+	*lenp = pos;
+	retv = proc_dostring(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp);
+	return retv;
+static int arlan_sysctl_inforxRing(ctl_table * ctl, int write, struct file *filp,
+			    void *buffer, size_t * lenp)
+	int i;
+	int retv, pos, devnum;
+	struct arlan_private *priva = NULL;
+	pos = 0;
+	devnum = ctl->procname[5] - '0';
+	if (arlan_device[devnum] == NULL)
+	{
+		  pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info + pos, "No device found here \n");
+		  goto final;
+	} else
+		priva = arlan_device[devnum]->priv;
+	if (priva == NULL)
+	{
+		printk(KERN_WARNING " Could not find the device private in arlan procsys, bad\n ");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	memcpy_fromio(priva->conf, priva->card, sizeof(struct arlan_shmem));
+	SARLBNpln(u_char, rxBuffer, 0x800);
+	*lenp = pos;
+	retv = proc_dostring(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp);
+	return retv;
+static int arlan_sysctl_info18(ctl_table * ctl, int write, struct file *filp,
+			void *buffer, size_t * lenp)
+	int i;
+	int retv, pos, devnum;
+	struct arlan_private *priva = NULL;
+	pos = 0;
+	devnum = ctl->procname[5] - '0';
+	if (arlan_device[devnum] == NULL)
+	{
+		pos += sprintf(arlan_drive_info + pos, "No device found here \n");
+		goto final;
+	}
+	else
+		priva = arlan_device[devnum]->priv;
+	if (priva == NULL)
+	{
+		printk(KERN_WARNING " Could not find the device private in arlan procsys, bad\n ");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	memcpy_fromio(priva->conf, priva->card, sizeof(struct arlan_shmem));
+	SARLBNpln(u_char, _18, 0x800);
+	*lenp = pos;
+	retv = proc_dostring(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp);
+	return retv;
+#endif				/* #ifdef ARLAN_PROC_SHM_DUMP */
+static char conf_reset_result[200];
+static int arlan_configure(ctl_table * ctl, int write, struct file *filp,
+		    void *buffer, size_t * lenp)
+	int pos = 0;
+	int devnum = ctl->procname[6] - '0';
+	struct arlan_private *priv;
+	if (devnum < 0 || devnum > MAX_ARLANS - 1)
+	{
+		  printk(KERN_WARNING "too strange devnum in procfs parse\n ");
+		  return -1;
+	}
+	else if (arlan_device[devnum] != NULL)
+	{
+		  priv = arlan_device[devnum]->priv;
+		  arlan_command(arlan_device[devnum], ARLAN_COMMAND_CLEAN_AND_CONF);
+	}
+	else
+		return -1;
+	*lenp = pos;
+	return proc_dostring(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp);
+int arlan_sysctl_reset(ctl_table * ctl, int write, struct file *filp,
+		       void *buffer, size_t * lenp)
+	int pos = 0;
+	int devnum = ctl->procname[5] - '0';
+	struct arlan_private *priv;
+	if (devnum < 0 || devnum > MAX_ARLANS - 1)
+	{
+		  printk(KERN_WARNING "too strange devnum in procfs parse\n ");
+		  return -1;
+	}
+	else if (arlan_device[devnum] != NULL)
+	{
+		priv = arlan_device[devnum]->priv;
+		arlan_command(arlan_device[devnum], ARLAN_COMMAND_CLEAN_AND_RESET);
+	} else
+		return -1;
+	*lenp = pos + 3;
+	return proc_dostring(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp);
+/* Place files in /proc/sys/dev/arlan */
+#define CTBLN(num,card,nam) \
+        {num , #nam, &(arlan_conf[card].nam), \
+         sizeof(int), 0600, NULL, &proc_dointvec}
+	CTBLN(1,cardNo,spreadingCode),\
+	CTBLN(2,cardNo, channelNumber),\
+	CTBLN(3,cardNo, scramblingDisable),\
+	CTBLN(4,cardNo, txAttenuation),\
+	CTBLN(5,cardNo, systemId), \
+	CTBLN(6,cardNo, maxDatagramSize),\
+	CTBLN(7,cardNo, maxFrameSize),\
+	CTBLN(8,cardNo, maxRetries),\
+	CTBLN(9,cardNo, receiveMode),\
+	CTBLN(10,cardNo, priority),\
+	CTBLN(11,cardNo, rootOrRepeater),\
+	CTBLN(12,cardNo, SID),\
+	CTBLN(13,cardNo, registrationMode),\
+	CTBLN(14,cardNo, registrationFill),\
+	CTBLN(15,cardNo, localTalkAddress),\
+	CTBLN(16,cardNo, codeFormat),\
+	CTBLN(17,cardNo, numChannels),\
+	CTBLN(18,cardNo, channel1),\
+	CTBLN(19,cardNo, channel2),\
+	CTBLN(20,cardNo, channel3),\
+	CTBLN(21,cardNo, channel4),\
+	CTBLN(22,cardNo, txClear),\
+	CTBLN(23,cardNo, txRetries),\
+	CTBLN(24,cardNo, txRouting),\
+	CTBLN(25,cardNo, txScrambled),\
+	CTBLN(26,cardNo, rxParameter),\
+	CTBLN(27,cardNo, txTimeoutMs),\
+	CTBLN(28,cardNo, waitCardTimeout),\
+	CTBLN(29,cardNo, channelSet), \
+	{30, "name", arlan_conf[cardNo].siteName, \
+                16, 0600, NULL, &proc_dostring},\
+	CTBLN(31,cardNo,waitTime),\
+	CTBLN(32,cardNo,lParameter),\
+	CTBLN(33,cardNo,_15),\
+	CTBLN(34,cardNo,headerSize),\
+	CTBLN(35,cardNo,async),\
+	CTBLN(36,cardNo,tx_delay_ms),\
+	CTBLN(37,cardNo,retries),\
+	CTBLN(38,cardNo,ReTransmitPacketMaxSize),\
+	CTBLN(39,cardNo,waitReTransmitPacketMaxSize),\
+	CTBLN(40,cardNo,fastReTransCount),\
+	CTBLN(41,cardNo,driverRetransmissions),\
+	CTBLN(42,cardNo,txAckTimeoutMs),\
+	CTBLN(43,cardNo,registrationInterrupts),\
+	CTBLN(44,cardNo,hardwareType),\
+	CTBLN(45,cardNo,radioType),\
+	CTBLN(46,cardNo,writeEEPROM),\
+	CTBLN(47,cardNo,writeRadioType),\
+	{48, "entry_exit_debug", &arlan_entry_and_exit_debug, \
+                sizeof(int), 0600, NULL, &proc_dointvec},\
+	{49, "debug", &arlan_debug, \
+                sizeof(int), 0600, NULL, &proc_dointvec},\
+	CTBLN(50,cardNo,in_speed),\
+	CTBLN(51,cardNo,out_speed),\
+	CTBLN(52,cardNo,in_speed10),\
+	CTBLN(53,cardNo,out_speed10),\
+	CTBLN(54,cardNo,in_speed_max),\
+	CTBLN(55,cardNo,out_speed_max),\
+	CTBLN(56,cardNo,measure_rate),\
+	CTBLN(57,cardNo,pre_Command_Wait),\
+	CTBLN(58,cardNo,rx_tweak1),\
+	CTBLN(59,cardNo,rx_tweak2),\
+	CTBLN(60,cardNo,tx_queue_len),\
+static ctl_table arlan_conf_table0[] =
+	{150, "arlan0-txRing", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_infotxRing},
+	{151, "arlan0-rxRing", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_inforxRing},
+	{152, "arlan0-18", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_info18},
+	{153, "arlan0-ring", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_info161719},
+	{154, "arlan0-shm-cpy", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_info},
+	{155, "config0", &conf_reset_result, \
+	 100, 0400, NULL, &arlan_configure}, \
+	{156, "reset0", &conf_reset_result, \
+	 100, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_reset}, \
+	{0}
+static ctl_table arlan_conf_table1[] =
+	{150, "arlan1-txRing", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_infotxRing},
+	{151, "arlan1-rxRing", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_inforxRing},
+	{152, "arlan1-18", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_info18},
+	{153, "arlan1-ring", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_info161719},
+	{154, "arlan1-shm-cpy", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_info},
+	{155, "config1", &conf_reset_result,
+	 100, 0400, NULL, &arlan_configure},
+	{156, "reset1", &conf_reset_result,
+	 100, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_reset},
+	{0}
+static ctl_table arlan_conf_table2[] =
+	{150, "arlan2-txRing", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_infotxRing},
+	{151, "arlan2-rxRing", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_inforxRing},
+	{152, "arlan2-18", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_info18},
+	{153, "arlan2-ring", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_info161719},
+	{154, "arlan2-shm-cpy", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_info},
+	{155, "config2", &conf_reset_result,
+	 100, 0400, NULL, &arlan_configure},
+	{156, "reset2", &conf_reset_result,
+	 100, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_reset},
+	{0}
+static ctl_table arlan_conf_table3[] =
+	{150, "arlan3-txRing", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_infotxRing},
+	{151, "arlan3-rxRing", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_inforxRing},
+	{152, "arlan3-18", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_info18},
+	{153, "arlan3-ring", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_info161719},
+	{154, "arlan3-shm-cpy", &arlan_drive_info,
+	 ARLAN_STR_SIZE, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_info},
+	{155, "config3", &conf_reset_result,
+	 100, 0400, NULL, &arlan_configure},
+	{156, "reset3", &conf_reset_result,
+	 100, 0400, NULL, &arlan_sysctl_reset},
+	{0}
+static ctl_table arlan_table[] =
+	{0, "arlan0", NULL, 0, 0600, arlan_conf_table0},
+	{0, "arlan1", NULL, 0, 0600, arlan_conf_table1},
+	{0, "arlan2", NULL, 0, 0600, arlan_conf_table2},
+	{0, "arlan3", NULL, 0, 0600, arlan_conf_table3},
+	{0}
+static ctl_table arlan_table[MAX_ARLANS + 1] =
+	{0}
+static int mmtu = 1234;
+static ctl_table arlan_root_table[] =
+	{254, "arlan", NULL, 0, 0555, arlan_table},
+	{0}
+/* Make sure that /proc/sys/dev is there */
+static ctl_table arlan_device_root_table[] =
+	{CTL_DEV, "dev", NULL, 0, 0555, arlan_root_table},
+	{0}
+static struct ctl_table_header *arlan_device_sysctl_header = NULL;
+int init_arlan_proc(void)
+	int i = 0;
+	if (arlan_device_sysctl_header)
+		return 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < MAX_ARLANS && arlan_device[i]; i++)
+		arlan_table[i].ctl_name = i + 1;
+	arlan_device_sysctl_header = register_sysctl_table(arlan_root_table, 0);
+	if (!arlan_device_sysctl_header)
+		return -1;
+	return 0;
+#ifdef MODULE
+int init_module(void)
+	return init_arlan_proc();
+void cleanup_module(void)
+	unregister_sysctl_table(arlan_device_sysctl_header);
+	arlan_device_sysctl_header = NULL;
+	return;
+#endif				// MODULE

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: