Liber MCLI (Micklee) 

These being the requirements of Minerval to Third Degree in study and
work in O.T.O. in the Order as it has manifested under the Caliph.

Prepared An LXXV of the New Aeon
Updated An LXXXVII of the New Aeon

                     MINERVAL STUDY PROGRAM

     These are the practices and studies that the Order requires for the
Minerval period. A formal examination is required in these matters (a
perfect score is not necessary) before advancement to the First Degree.

1)   Study THE BOOK OF THE LAW. Memorization of the first Chapter
     is suggested. This may be done a verse a day, with review at
     intervals, or whatever way is your will.

2)   Keep a daily Journal or Magickal Diary.

3)   Practice LIBER RESH daily.

4)   Become proficient in the Lesser Pentagram Banishing Ritual.
     Twice daily use is wise.

5)   Do "Will" at the beginning of the main meal of the day.

6)   Study MAGICK IN THEORY IN PRACTICE. Special attention to be
     paid to the following Study Guide:

7)   Stay in touch! OTO JAF Box 7666, New York, NY 10116-4632 USA
     (SASE for quickest response and decreased office expenses.)


Knock: 333-55555-333 (Total 11 knocks)

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law!"
Response: What is thy will?
It is my will to eat and drink!
Response: To what end?
That my body may be fortified thereby!
Response: To what end?
That I may accomplish the Great Work!
"Love is the law, love under will!"

Knock: 1 "Fall to!"

May be done at all meals. Should be done at the principal meal.

Note: Always say with enthusiasm! Inflame yourself with prayer!


     These are the practices that the Order requires for the First
Degree. An examination is required in these practices. ( a perfect score
is not necessary) before advancement to the Second Degree.

1)   Continue and elaborate the practices and studies of the
     Minerval Program. All are important.

2)   Select and become proficient in at least one of the following:
     LIBER XXV, LIBER XLVI, LIBER V or LIBER DCCC     (Liber Samekh).

3)   Begin or continue a particular study in one of the following:
     Qabalah, Divination, Yoga, Astral Workings, or a like discipline.

4)   Perform some work that will endure beyond your own physical
     lifetime: write and be published, speak in public, produce a work
     of art, have and nurture a child or perform some similar work that
     will pass beyond your own mind, and beyond the minds of your
     immediate associates.

5)   Perform some work for the benefit of your Brothers and Sisters in
     the Order: Provide time and work in organization, correspond with
     isolated initiates, share your insights, volunteer for specific
     needed tasks within your abilities or perform some other service
     needed by the Order.

6)   Join with fellow initiates in a Chapter, Lodge, or other group of
     the Order.

7)   Analyze your magical diary from some definite point of view; e.g.
     endeavor to determine the point at which virtue becomes vice, as:
     sympathy degenerating into pity, advice into meddling, temperance
     into apathy, excellence into illusion, gentleness into shallowness
     and like matters. Perhaps assign elements to your traits to
     determine imbalances. Also try to determine what about
     yourself/life you can't laugh at. Record your findings in your
     diary with both theoretical views and actual examples from your
     daily life.


     These are the practices that the Order requires for the Second
Degree. An examination is required in these practices (a perfect score
is not necessary) before advancement to the Third Degree.

1)   Continue with Minerval and First Degree programs. All are

2)   Learn and become proficient in the following:
     A> Liber Reguli
     B> Perform in at least one group ritual.
     C> Create and perform an original ritual.
     D> Maintain a diary record of ritual workings.

3)   Memorize the following columns from Liber 777:
     and at least two others of your choice.

4)   Learn and become familiar with some part of the tradition or
     history of the O.T.O., and the signs, grips and words of the
     Minerval through Second Degrees.
     Fulfill your Second Degree obligation regarding Liber Oz.

5)   Begin a general study of all of these fields, specializing  in
     one in greater depth:
     A> Alchemy
     B> Astrology
     C> Qabalah
     D> Tarot
     E> Yoga
     F> Another field of study approved by your Initiator
     (See recommended reading list.)

6)   Take responsibility for some task that directly benefits our
     Order. With the Third Degree the candidate should possess an
     ability to function as part of the Order in Official

7)   Meditate on your Heart Chakra.


     Prepare your own program, after you have received the Third Degree.
The program must have seven points, and must include the previous
programs in point one and must end with point 7: Meditate on the
chakras. Model your plan on the earlier curricula and submit it to your
initiator and the Grand Lodge of O.T.O. After your program has been
approved, proceed.