ezusage.txt   Mark Riordan   mrr@scss3.cl.msu.edu    20 July 1992

This document tells you the bare essentials for running RIPEM.
It assumes a Unix environment, but PC users should be able to 
make the necessary adjustments

Let's assume you already have RIPEM compiled, and that
you are sitting in the ripem/test directory.

First, you must generate a public key for yourself.  Run:

   ripem -g -S ~/mypriv -P ~/mypub -R eks 

You'll be prompted:  

   Enter random string:
Enter a random string; you don't have to remember it later.

After some serious number-crunching, RIPEM will prompt you:

   Enter password:
Type a password used to encrypt your private key component.  You *do*
have to remember this.  You'll be prompted to type it again:

   Enter again to verify:
Just type it again.

Examine ~/mypub to make sure that RIPEM got your email address right.
Edit if necessary.

Now register the key with the server (optional):

   mail <~/mypub ripem-register-keys@rpub.cl.msu.edu

To encrypt a message stored in file "msg1",

setenv RIPEM_SERVER_NAME rpub.cl.msu.edu
setenv RIPEM_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE ~/mypriv
setenv RIPEM_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE ~/mypub
   ripem -e  -r <recipient> -i msg1 -o msg1.enc 
To decipher a message you've stored in "msgin":
	ripem -d -i msgin

See the User's Guide for a more detailed writeup.