X-NEWS: opmvax bit.listserv.info-gcg: 295 Path: funic!news.funet.fi!sunic!mcsun!uunet!wuarchive!psuvax1!psuvm!auvm!PHARM.SUNYSB.EDU!TOM From: TOM@PHARM.SUNYSB.EDU (Thomas Easton) Newsgroups: bit.listserv.info-gcg Subject: Re: more information from an Accession Number? Message-ID: Date: 8 May 91 20:37:38 GMT Sender: "INFO-GCG: GCG Genetics Software Discussion" Reply-To: tom@pharm.sunysb.edu Lines: 22 Comments: Gated by NETNEWS@AUVM.AUVM.EDU X-Envelope-to: info-gcg%UTORONTO.bitnet@ugw.utcs.utoronto.ca Comments: cc: tom@ccmail.sunysb.edu Chuck McDaniels asked: > Is there some way to find out additional information about this sequence, > if I know that it is Accession number M13380? The additional information > this person wants include the name of the author(s), and the journal in whic Aside from $ Strings and $ Typedata, those who have telnet capability could use GOS (aka Genbank Online Services) IRX, like so ... $ telnet genbank.bio.net ! or $ telnet login: genbank password: 4nigms <== use lowercase pls. Select the Genbank database, e.g. and submit a Q(Question) as M13380 [accession] which looks for M13380 in the Accession Field. Wait a few seconds and read the results. The I(Information) command shows which Fields can be selected with the '[ ]' syntax. Have fun, everyone! Tom Easton